
Men should ALWAYS respect women?

by  |  earlier

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I believe they should.




  1. Ya.  They should.

  2. Humans should respect children and animals too.

  3. Nope..

    Women are not entitle to respect. It's something you have to earn.

  4. Everyone deserves respect regardless of gender. Now here's where I look like an @sshole and say: "Women however, really press their d**n luck."

  5. Respect for everyone :)

  6. always respecting women..

    wouldn't that scare them off, thinking you're just being polite and caring you can get somewhere with them?

    i'd say let's just be cool.. let them be, and help them when they ask for it.. doesn't mean we have to disrespect them instead.

    i'll go with the principle of not bursting each other's bubbles..

  7. h***s yeah we should. We are stronge people and deserve better than to be portrayed as meat in some rap videos and movies!

  8. I like the people who try to respect everyone. Rich, poor, anyone from any part of the world.

    Most of all a man should respect his mother.

  9. You should respect them only if they respect you.

  10. No, not always.  I won't treat women with respect if I'm disrespected by a woman or a man.  Doesn't matter who either.

  11. That depends on what kind of person you are.  If you feel the need to always respect a person regardless of how they act, then yeah, men should always respect women.  If you believe 'give in order to get', then apparently the answer is no.  

    Just depends on who you are.  In the world of opinion, both ways are just fine!

  12. Two way street baby! Respect given, respect returned.

  13. No, there are women out there that are so twisted no one can.  But till you know they are from the dark side then respect is good.

  14. Humans should ALWAYS respect other humans because we thrive off of each others existence.

    Treat others as you wish to be treated and you'll find that you make friends easier and in turn people are more willing to respect you.

  15. Respect is earned, I believe in manners, but if someone, male or female, is disrespectful to me I do not believe that they should expect me to have respect for them.  I would never be rude, but I would not respect them.

  16. Yes, and vice versa. Golden Rule!!

  17. Yes, unless shes a b***h.

    Men shouldn't be pushovers, but they shouldn't walk all over women either.

  18. Yes, until proven worthy of otherewise.  Just like anyone else.

  19. You are seriously sexist.

    It is not always.

  20. No.  The key operative word here is "always," and not every person is deserving of respect.

    Some men and some women ought to be respected.  Others, well, others are just completely worthless.  I see no reason to respect a serial killer, for instance.

  21. WRONG ! respect is like trust , it's earned, That's not to say one shouldn't behave in a civil manner, but I'll be damned if I am going to respect or trust someone who has given me no reason to.

  22. Well, you should treat everyone with respect until they give you a reason not to.

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