
Men vs Women players?

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I know it has been ask before but why are Men better players than we are?

At least we let them think so.




  1. At the amatuer level it's just about numbers. More men spend more time playing pool, so in general you're going to find a lot more men than excel than women. At the professional level, it's more about power. Most men can produce a lot more power with less effort, so they're going to have better breaks in general than women. That translates directly to more break and runs, and more opportunities to control the table after pocketing balls on the break. This is a significant advantage, and makes it very difficult for women to compete with men.

  2. OK Lion girl how about a race to 11 in 9 ball

    We just are I keep telling you that.Hello Dear.

  3. better players in which sport?  there are certain sports which each gender plays better than the other

    since you are in the Snooker and Pool category, I have seen men and women excel in pocket billiards

    so I don't know which is really better in this particular sport

  4. This should probably be taken as a non answer but maybe you could go to and ask the same question. It will usually take a while for an answer but once you get one try to share it here.



  5. I think it's possible that if we had an equal number of women and men players, you wouldn't see such a drastic difference in ability. There are probably several women out there who've never picked up a pool cue, but if they did, they'd take to it quite naturally. How many men do you know who've never touched a cue? Go to AZBilliards and see how many more men there are than women.

    There are going to be a few athletic-type shots that men are going to be physically able to do better than women, but for the most part, you're right, there really shouldn't be that much difference (I'm talking the pro tour here). Look at it like fractions. The men have Reyes, Souquet, Archer, Strickland, Bustamante, and some others, and the women have Fisher (and Fisher), Corr, and Ouschan. The men have more great players on their tour, but they have more players on their tour, so that makes sense. The male greats are better than the female greats, but we don't have as much to choose from. Hope that makes sense. It makes sense in my head :)

  6. It's not about Men vs Women.

    It's about skills

    Am a girl and I beat a lot of boys in running, basketball, swimming

    cuz I have skills and am fast they call me Lion Girl
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