
Mental Retardation. Need Info?

by Guest60336  |  earlier

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I need info about this condition. I need the characteristics, accomodations in a normal classroom and any other info you can send me. Please send me websites. Thanks!





  2. The term Mental retardation is rarely used these days, and the American Association on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

    States that the term Mental Retardation is No more — New Name is Intellectual  and Developmental Disabilities

    Many other countries also prefer the term Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities.

    In a nut shell;

    Mental retardation (Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities) is a term used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and in skills such as communicating, taking care of him or herself, and social skills. These limitations will cause a child to learn and develop more slowly than a typical child. Children with mental retardation may take longer to learn to speak, walk, and take care of their personal needs such as dressing or eating. They are likely to have trouble learning in school. They will learn, but it will take them longer. There may be some things they cannot learn.

    Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities is usually diagnosed before the age of 18.

    I have included a few links which will give a far better information than I can.


    Do you have anymore information to provide for accomodations?  MR is a very, very broad category.  For students with severe or profound MR, they are unlikely to be in the regular classroom past prek/kindergarten, if even then.  If they were in the regular classroom, then they would need personal assistants to feed, change them, help them walk or push a wheelchair.  If the student falls more in the moderate range (think Special Olympics athlete), then they may go into a regular classroom for art, music or gym.  They may also go to lunch with their peers.  They will need modified or simplier assignments and grading procedures.  They may need equipment that helps them hold onto a paintbrush or differently weight ball to catch.  For students with mild MR, they usually go to regular classrooms.  In computer class, for instance, while they are working on Word.  The kid with MR is working on typing, centering and spacing a paragraph while the class works on a typing a book report.  During a second grade spelling lesson, they are given three words to spell instead of ten.  

    Hope that helps.  :)

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