
Mental side of golf?

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Before Varsity tournaments i try to get my head right by thinking confidence in me and my swing..... yet it seems that the first couple of holes decide the whole round for me. If i start out badly i usually end up terribly but if i even par the first couple holes i usually go even par or under par..... do you have any advice for me for wheni am struggling..... the mental side and trusting my swing and my ability?




  1. Forget the last hole.

    No matter what you shoot, once you get to the next tee, the last hole is completely irrelevant.  Much the same way you get your head right before a tounament, learn to clear your head of the last holes events as you walk to the next hole.

  2. Go easy on yourself.  Maybe sing a song to the rhythm of your swing.  Be confident, but not overly confident.

  3. for get about the first holes or at least try to and relax

  4. I'm a current D3 college golfer. When i was in highschool i had the same problem. I felt like everything was gonna go my way and i'd be 2 over after the first 3 holes and feel like i wanted to just pick up and leave. What you need to do is learn two things. First is to practice your PRE-SHOT ROUTINE. I capped that because that is the most important key element in the mental side of golf. Do the same routine over and over on the practice tees and get use to it. You'll learn how to block out all outside elements with ease. the second thing you have to learn is that 18 holes is a lot of holes. After i mastered my pre-shot routine, i started to realize that just because i bogey'd the last hole doesn't mean you have to bogey the next because the pre-shot routine helps you forget about it. If you can learn how to do that and start every hole like it was your first and forget about the last one then you'll realize that you might start out 2 over after 3, but instead of shooting 83 because you gave up on 4, you shoot 75 because you started EVERY hole like it was your first. Just breathe your in highschool. The real golf don't start yet, just get down that routine and realize everythings ok.

  5. just go out and have fun

  6. Just relax your mind before and during the game. Never put any target score in your head before the game; you'll end busting your target each time.

    Just relax and hit your shots as they should be; don't tensed up for no reason. Always remember, it's you playing against the course; not against your playing partners.
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