
Mermaids were can i see them ??

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Mermaids were can i see them ??




  1. Rent the DVD of "The Little Mermaid".

    They're NOT real, sweetie, they're just fictional characters.

  2. Oh rent the movie the little mermaid. so the answer is on your TV

  3. Florida rivers...they are called manatees.

  4. they dont come out in front of humans,

    but if your lucky and believe hard enough, and just so happen to be near a moonlit and glistening ocean, u might see one.

    ps. your going to have to believe, if you dont, you can't see them.

  5. they've been put somewhere where only a few people can go, myself included. unless your one of them, you cannot go there.

  6. I don't think you can. Unlike faeries, who /sometimes/ let themselves be seen to those that have made them happy and roam pretty much everywhere, if mermaids are real, they would stick to deep, hidden waters. Even if they did let themselves be seen, they would be somewhere where humans can't easily go.

  7. Weeki Watchi, Disney theme parks, and the Coney Island Mermaid Parade.

    Those are costumed ones though, you'll have to wait for the real ones. They might not be as pretty as you think though.

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