
Mexican Universities?

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I'm about to be a senior in high school and I really would like to go to Mexico for college. I think it would be good for me, especially because I want to major in International Relations or Studies. I already speak Spanish, so that wouldn't be a problem. I also lived there for a summer and go there every year to visit family, plus I live in South Texas, so I'm familiar with the culture and way of life. And I have 300,000$ saved up for tuition, so money isn't really an issue either.

But I'm wondering, how complicated is the admissions process for a foreign student trying to get into a Mexican university?

And, what unversities offer international relations or international studies?




  1. It is not too difficult to get into school in Mexico. You will need to decide if you want to attend school there exclusively, or if you would like to go to a US school and then do an exchange. Often, if you go through an American school they help you a lot with all of the paperwork, etc. Perhaps you have a local university that may be able to guide you?

  2. You write like an intelligent person, seem like you have it together and are obviously prepared for college. I think you'll have no problem going to whatever college you want to attend and I commend you on being apart of the 1% of people who frequent yahoo answers who writes like they're an educated person instead of a drunk monkey.
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