
Michael Phelps Charged with drunk driving?

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In November 2004, at the age of 19, Phelps was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol in Salisbury, Maryland. He pleaded guilty to driving while impaired the following month and was granted probation before judgment and ordered to serve 18 months probation, fined $250, obligated to speak to high school students about drinking and driving and had to attend a Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) meeting. Questioned about the incident later that month by Matt Lauer on the Today Show, Phelps said it was an "isolated incident"


Do you think he could be taking performance enhanced drugs too?




  1. Take it from me - alcohol doesn't make you a better swimmer.

    Big deal.

  2. i think he got arrested for drunk swimming

  3. who cares.  

  4. Yes, Michael Phelps was charged with drunk driving. But that was way long time ago. He has learned his lesson.

    Besides, I don't see the connection between drugs and alcohol.

    Michael Phelps is a natural born talented and amazing swimmer. And people have to start respecting and accepting that.  

  5. What on earth does drinking have to do with taking performance enhanced drugs?

  6. No, he isn't taking drugs because I know he was drug tested after almost every race in the Olympics. They would have found something.

  7. Have you been living under a rock? That's SO old!

    People only bring it back now because he's a legend and they want something against him!

    And do you really think that he doesn't take drug tests before he gets in the pool? This is the OLYMPICS for goodness sake!

    How about this for an answer: he's a damned amazing swimmer. point blank.

  8. No.  We're all entitled to make mistakes.

  9. I've seen Phelps has a temper when discussing Mark Spitz.

    I am not surprised he was drunk at 19. The press is building

    him into someone comparable to Tiger Woods, but he is not

    a superstar of that magnitude. I only wish he "only" won

    7 gold medals.

  10. that is old, old news. what, you never made a mistake before in your life?

  11. no

  12. no. How does drugs and a drunk driving incident have to do with each other? Everyone makes mistakes. So what if Michael Phelps got drunk once? Most people do. And before they are allowed to compete in the olympics they are tested for drugs so they would know if he was taking performance enhanced drugs.  

  13. why would he volunteer for extra drug tests and ask them to freeze his blood if he was?

    think about it.  he worked really hard and is going to have all that taken away from him hes not stupid

  14. Ha i never knew that! hes probably on steroids along with everyone else in the olympics

  15. No, michael did not get arrested. He just had to attend a meeting thing. He ran a stop sign... gosh

    No he doesnt take drugs to enhance his performance.

    That was old news. He knows not to do it now.

  16. I don't think Michael be doping up, because he was being tested before he could even get in the pool. Not to mention he offered to   take extra tests. Yes he did drive drunk and he did pay a fine and     do some probation, but drinking doesn't necessarily lead to doping up.

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