
Michael Phelps got arrested?

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I heard he's got arrested but i don't know if it's true or not.If yes when?

And why?




  1. Yes in 2004 a then 19 year old Michael Phelps was arrested for DUI, and under age drinking in his home state of Maryland after running a stop sign.  Probaly because he was drinking under age and then like an idiot got in a vehicle and started driving.

    Nobody seams to care they just keep rooting for a convicted criminal.

  2. Yes, for DUI a few years back.

    He apologized for his misjudgment, served some community service (was on 18 months probation) and hasn't repeated his mistake since.

    It was a dumb mistake but hopefully he's learned from it.


  3. NOT TRUE people are just jealous so they make up rumors.

  4. After the last olympics he had a DUI.

  5. i guessed some boys girls  knots needed to be untied,growing up pains that's all.

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