
Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2?

by  |  earlier

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I've got to upgrade my PC with the above, I only have dial up connection access to the internet does anybody know how long Service Pack 2 will take to download




  1. if u leave it overnight it should be ready by morning

  2. You can get it on disc from Microsoft - I know because I have one.

    maybe a friend on broadband can download it to a disc for you - but I think you can only get SP3 now - which includes the SP2 update as well.


  3. it's over 272mb so even if your dialup speed is 56k it's going to take best part of a day and thats if you manage to get it without problems, better to get a mate to download with a faster connection, or even go direct to MS they can post it.

  4. They have made it easier for you to download if you are on dial up.

    Read paragraph 6 of the link below for more details.

    Personally I'd go for it because you really do need this and if you don't have a friend that can put it on disc for you you don't have much of a choice anyway.

    SP3 is out too at the minute and I and others have had no problems with this but other people have so whether to install this after is up to you. I've heard that AVG and Zone Alarm users have had the most trouble with SP3.

  5. If you have broadband you will be ok-probably 10 minutes or so. If you have dial up well as others have said it will take quite a while. It seems like i recall when i had XP they had a option of ordering the update on disc from them, you might want to check into that.  

  6. A VERY long time on dialup. You could try downloading it manually on a machine with broadband and burning it to cd.


  8. All service packs must be installed for your programes to run o.k. Why not download it when you go to bed, that way you will get most of it download before your day starts up. But you must install the complete programe, so go out for the day and have fun, time you get home should be downloded 100 %.

  9. If my recollection is correct it is rather large over 5 hrs on dial up.

    But you can do 2 possible things down load when you are doing something else or

    Buy from Microsoft CD xp 2 which I did. I think it cost $10.00

  10. I believe that for a small fee you can order a disk with it on from Microsoft

  11. It is available on CD now  mind I had it from a magazine ages ago

  12. Don't bother if you are on dial-up! It will take far too long.

    Maybe a friend has a copy, or broad-band?

  13. A lot.

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