
Microwave or stovetop?

by Guest62262  |  earlier

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What is the relative usage of electricity in boiling a cup of water in a microwave vs in a pot on a ceramic stovetop? Does it take half the energy in the microwave? One-third? I'm convinced that the microwave is much more economical to boil a cup of water, but I'd like some sort of comparison. Anyone?




  1. A microwave is definitely more efficient. I cant say exactly how much more, but a microwave only heats up what is inside it. To boil a cup of water on the stove it needs to heat up the heating element, the pot and the water. A microwave works by exciting the molecules of water and thus heating them up. A microwave heats from the inside out, not the outside in. This means that a microwave wastes very little energy heating up other things. You can see this by putting your hand in the microwave after boiling your water versus putting your hand on the stove top after boiling your water. The stove will burn you, the microwave will not. By the way, dont do that!

  2. I've got things to do. My first question is, "Which one is the fastest." That is really all I ask when it comes to fixing a cup of coffee. You are free to stand there and think about it.

  3. I can boil water faster on a stovetop than I can in a microwave.

    It probably depends on the power levels of each unit.
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