
Middle School Makeup Ideas?

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Hi I just started 6th grade and I want to wear makeup now. What are some pretty ideas. I want it to involve pink. I also want colorful eyeshadow. NOTE- I have a VERY wide variety of makeup.:)




  1. Personally, I don't wear colours to school, I wear foundation, a little blusher, eyeliner underneath the eyes and on the lids, and mascara. If you wanted, you could try a pink eyeliner where I use it.


    Hope this helped (:

    2. You first choice is brown eyeliner and pink eye shadow with pink blush an lip gloss

       2. second choice is mascara light pink eye shadow and lip gloss

      3. third choice is a little blush and lip gloss

     4. fourth choice is mascara black eye liner and lip gloss

    you don't need makeup I am in 8th grade and I wear less than the items I wrote down.

  2. I am in 7th grade and I wear a shimmery white or gold eyeshadow, brownish balck mascara, and lipgloss.  I did not wear any makeup last year, but if you want to wear it try to keep it natural.  I would recomend a light eye shadow (I like whites and golds), clear mascara, and either clear or light pink gloss.  If you want blush try a light pink or peachy color with a touch of shimmer.  I would not recommend eyeliner because you want to look natural, but if you want it I would use brown or white to brighten your eyes.  I hope this helps! :)

  3.   Hey person! I'm in 6th grade, and these are my make up tips for you. For a natural, but cute look, these are my suggestions. Ok so for your eyes: for brown eyes, a light gold or bronze color. NOT dark brown, it will make you look tired and bad in your eyes: For blue eyes. a shimmery pink, or even a shimmery light purple eyeshadow would be really cute. For green eyes, dark colors, or a smoky gray look. Even colors like silver and gold look good. I don't like using black or brown mascara, because it doesn't look natural and no matter how good, it will usually look clumpy. I wear clear mascara. it defines and seperates your lashes for a very natural look. For lips, I use a light peachy gloss. But, the colors of these makeup products depend on your eye, lip,face, whatever color. Bye! sorry , this is really long/

  4. I just started 7th grade and I don't exactly think you'd need eyeliner. You want to keep the colors nude & natural. Although colorful eyeshadows are fun, you don't want to use them during school. And keep the glitter for special occasions. Glitter on your lids during school just looks tacky. Also, you don't need foundation & other thick makeup. You'll end up sweating it off in P.E. anyways. You wanna keep it natural & subtle, not loud and crazy. Hope this helps! :)

  5. Im going into 7th and what i would wear is white sparkly eyeshowdow eyeliner and mascara is optional. Also a sparkly clear lip gloss.

  6. well im goin to 8th but i found a cute simple makeup style 4 school jst put some white eye shadow and some black eyeliner with a little glitter on the corners of ur eyes to make them pop!it's really cute and simple,mascara is optional. oh and dont forget to put some lip gloss on. hope that helped =D

  7. well im goin to 8th but i found a cute simple makeup style 4 school jst put some white eye shadow and some black eyeliner with a little glitter on the corners of ur eyes to make them pop!it's really cute and simple,mascara is optional. hope that helped =D

  8. Ok, here's what I suggest. A neutral eyeshadow would be nice. Since you're young (like me) I would not recommend mascara. If you can get your hands on an eyelash curler that would be good.  I personally am not allowed to wear eyeliner so I have nothing to say about that. For your lips you should use a pale pink lip gloss, for your little pop of pink.  Don't use foundation or concealer unless you have dark circles under your eyes. PLEASE DON'T WEAR BRIGHT HOT PINK LIP STICK AND BLUE EYESHADOW! Trust me, I've seen girls in my middle school with it, and they look like rainbow colored raccoons. Hope this helps!

  9. well im going into 7th grade but in 6th grade i started wearing:

    foundation- a color just a bit lighter than your skin tone
    mascara- shiny black on the top lashes and dark brown mascara on the bottom lashes to keep the "look" natural. or you could use clear mascara its great stuff and it seperates your lashes and gives them definition.
    lipgloss- a neutral pink or a pale peach lip gloss complients any look and it works on all skin tones.
    eyeshadow- a neutral shadow like gold or champagne or you could try a shade similar to your eye color to make it look the most natural.

    i suggest you dont use eyeliner but you could try it out. and a tip for lipgloss is:
    applying lipbalm before lipgloss keeps the shine lasting longer :)

  10. I would say dont put too much just because you are in 6th grade bu there is a way to rock it without making you look like someone who just slammed make up on. If you want to wear make up just match the color with your outfit and a aply it up to the first crease in you eye!

  11. lip gloss and mascara thats it

  12. do half and half eyeshadow and DONT put foundation on it will just give u more spots
    hope i helped luv soph xxxx

  13. It's almost the end of 6th grade for me (2 months left) and I just started wearing makeup as well. I wear mascara eyeshadow and lipgloss. It's easy yet you want it to look natural. Not like orange! Yuck! I would say natural and even. Good Luck!

  14. Ok well I'm in 7th grade. And I wear some makeup. Do simple looks. That's what I do. And if u do simple looks u can have a lot of them. Don't wear blush in middle school!  
    1 look. Get nutregena pressed powder that fights acne. Lightly put the powder over ur face. It will even ur skin tone fight acne and make it so u don't look sweaty if u are. Wear pale pink eyesadow w/ brown mascara. Do thi w/ semi glossy clear lip balm.
    2 look. Do the pressed powder again. Now do a almond eyeshadow. Then take a bright, pink lip gloss and put that on. Do a brown mascara again.
    3 look. Pressed powder. Pale really light skin color eyeshadow with shimmer in it. Take light brown eyeliner and line the bottom outside corner of ur water line. Then take really glossy clear lip glossand put it on

  15. you can use some mascara some pink lip gloss purple works tooo.
    lip liner. put on some diamod bracelets.
          note: use mascara and lip liner a lot too impress boys.

  16. I just started 6th grade Aug 13th, and I wear a black eyeliner, black mascara, and a light skincolor/pink eyeshadow mixed together with a bit of sparkle. If you go directly into pink, it looks like you're trying too hard.

  17. eyes:apply a pale pink eyeshadow on lids.
    mascara:apply a black waterproof/regular mascara on lashes.
    blush:dark skin- you should apply a light pink colored blush.
    light skin-you should apply a not so dark blush.

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