
Middle child syndrom?

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so im the middle kid out of 3 children. i have an older sister and a younger and im a 13 year old kid my older sister is 17 and my younger sister is 7. they always get the most attention and i always feel left out. both of them boss me around and team up on me. my older sister is usually the one that bosses me around the most. because i have some control over my younger sister and most people arent controlled by there younger sibling and wouldnt be but my older sister always is taking her side. if i tell my younger sister to help me or something she starts flipping out and my older sister gets all hard on me. so if you see my problem and can help thanks. i know its sorta a weird question




  1. yeah, being a middle child can be hard. You should just ignore them and pretend that they aren't bothering you. If they see that what they are doing isn't bothering you, they will stop. all they want is to see you upset. they may not be doin it intentionally, but evryone is just like that. Be nice to them even if they aren't nice to you. everything will eventually stop. hang around ur parents a little more. volenteer to help with things and soon you will be getting just as much attention as ur sisters, maybe even more. GOOD LUCK!

  2. WHO lets your sisters boss you around? You do! Take a stand and say no! They have no authority over what you have to do.

    Next time they tell you to do something, just say no. It's that simple! :)

  3. I'm the middle child out of 5 children---I have two older sisters, a younger sister and a younger brother. Growing up, I feel that there was a good and bad side to it. I had the siblings to boss me around (although I never really listened to it :P) and I also had siblings I could boss around, so I have experience with both. But when my older and younger siblings would pair up, I would be left out, or when they would fight, I'd be the diplomatic one. I never really developed a habit of getting mad over things, which I think did more internal damage than good.

    As for the parental attention bit, my parents usually ended up rewarding their kids based on good behavior, not age, so I was usually treated more leniently, but not always. There were definitely many occasions where my oldest sister was favored for being the oldest, and  likewise for my brother for being the youngest. So it's hard to say.

    That's my story. I hope I helped you. Peace. :)

  4. Yep I been there I have anyolder sis younger brother.Your in the tuff time of your life.It will get betterIt may not seem that way right now but it will.I found that I was left out  over looked boss around.So I started donting and trying new things I joined a swim team and  with new friends for there it made life alot easer.  

  5. tell them no  
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