
Middle school help!!!!?????!!!!!!!!!

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I am goin to start middle school soon and i wanted to kno if yall could give me some advice

*should i be worried about the locker rooms

*should my locker be plain or decorated

* and about the locker rooms should i have cute bras and panties




  1. be yourself

    and dont be worried about anythng

    dont try to change yourself jsut becuase someone else is wearing something different

  2. *no because no one stares at u unless they r lezbos

    *decorated i prefer. but only if u can take the deco. off

    *u can but u dont have to. no one looks at u. its just girls. unless ur school makes u get undressed in front of boys then ya u shuld.  

  3. no dont b worried bout the locker rooms and locker def plain lol and you should have cute bras and panties not just for school but just incase ALWAYSSS ha ha

  4. i'm going into my third year of middle school.

        -the locker rooms are nothing to worry about

        -my locker was plain just because i was lazy

        -nobody cares how your bras and panties look

  5. 1) no. if they talk about you, just ask them why they were looking.

    2) it doesnt matter. it's up to you. sometimes the decorations get ripped.

    3)no. if you wear really decorated stuff, that might be kind of weird.

  6. *No, you shouldn't be worried about the locker rooms.  I am a senior in high school now so I have been through those three years of middle school PE and two years of high school PE.  At first I was nervous too, but really nobody is paying attention to anybody else but themselves.  They are probably equally nervous.  

    * It depends on the size of the locker.  If it is small then I would leave it plain.  But if it is big then it is less of a hassle.  If you absolutely want to put something in it, I would put a small mirror or something.  Those always come in handy.

    *  I don't think you need to change your bra and underwear in the locker room.  You just change from your regular clothes into your PE clothes and vice versa.  There is no need for the cute extras.

    Hope I helped!!

  7. Try not to be rude to anyone on the first day as they may become the preps and would bully you for like ever. Be fairly confident. You don't want to look shy but you don't want to look like you think your 'all that'. If your girly then yeah, go ahead and wear cute underwear. Not too cute though. People might think your childish, but don't go wearing thongs either because you'll seem S****y. I'll say leave your locker plain for the first month or so.

  8. no ones gonna look at your body so you wont have to worry about your bra and panties dont worry middle school is fun =] and i alway decorate my locker =]  

  9. There are bathroom stalls you can change in for gym if you have a problem seeing girls in underwear. (I always do during my period) I would have cute panties though. That's mostly what they talk about in there! as for lockers I never needed one. In gym I did but not anywhere else. I wanted cute magnets in mine though, but never got them. (Not many people see your locker) As for being worried about locker rooms. Don't be, I was too! I was worried that my body would be made fun of or something silly like that. It wasn't mostly someone told me they had the same underwear. But there are other options to changing withough doing it in front of other girls! Good luck and have fun!

  10. Don't worry, Middle School is fine. I'm going to 7th, and 6th grade was piece of cake.  

  11. No you shouldn't be worried about locker rooms, just make sure to wear a bra because its disgusting for the upperclassmen to have to watch little girls walk around all flat chested. Your locker doesn't matter, you won't spend much time there anyways. It doesn't matter what underwear you wear, as I said before, just wear it.

    And don't go change in the bathrooms. That's just lame. No one cares if you are skinny or fat just f'in changee!

    Relax. Middle school is boring.

    Edit: Wearing thongs doesn't make you S****y. Just don't wear them if you are overly over obese.

  12. You probably won't have a locker unless your in P.E. But some schools may have it different. It doesnt matter if your locker is decorated or not. Locker rooms, No. You don't need to change ur panty or bra at school.

  13. 3.Locker rooms no.Unless your self concious about your body.

    2.Nobody really cares if your locker is decorated or not.but it would be nice if it was

    3.Just dont wear granny panies

  14. Nah dont worry about it.

    It might be akward in the beginning of the year.

    But everyone gets over it fast.

    No one really cares.

    Decorating your locker is up to you.

    I had a small mirror on mine but thats pretty much it.

    Decorating is okay just dont go overboard.

    Ehhh no one cares about your bra or panties.

    Its good to wear something decent.

    No one wants you walking around

    in a thong.


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