
Midwife mad or not???

by  |  earlier

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lost mucus plug Friday, told midwife Saturday she went to check my cervix but could not because she through my placenta was in the way, and sent me home??

Shouldn't she of checked me some other way since then having more mucus and diarrhea?




  1. If your placenta is truly in the way of your cervix, that would be called Placenta Previa. This is a whole seperate, and potentially serious issue that she should be addressing with you. Call her and ask her to be more specific about what is going on.

    EDIT: After reading your additional info and knowing that you are already aware of your low-lying placenta - then no she should not necessarily check you some other way. Not that there IS another way to check. Internals are not required at the end of pregnancy. They do give some info as to how dilated or effaced you are, but that info does not necessarily mean squat. Many women can be dilated for weeks and not go into labor. Yes, the info can be nice to know, but it can also cause a lot of unfounded worry or excitement. And since you have the low-lying placenta, she is probably doing the safest thing by not checking. Don't worry, it would not make one bit of difference if you were not dilated at all, or 2 cm...You will go into labor when you go, and there is no way to predict it even based on dilation.

  2. umm if your placenta was in the way you should go to the hospital cuz it's not supposed to be down in your cervix?

    You might give her a call and ask to to clarity what she meant.

  3. If you have a low lying placenta you may need a c-section.  You shouldn't deliver the placenta before the baby.  Also you run the risk of you cord delivering before the baby.  I would maybe ask her more about your low lying placenta.  

  4. Your placenta was in the way???? Ummm... if your placenta was in the way, that means you have placenta previa, and she was right to NOT check too vigorously [it would make you bleed], but also means that you would probably need to go to the hospital for a c-section. (Baby can't be born vaginally if your cervix is blocked by the placenta.)

    Are you sure you understood her?  Could she have said  your cervix was still closed?  In any case, if it's NOT placenta previa, she doens't need to be checking you.  You will go into labor when you go into labor, and nothing she can feel at this point will change anything.  

  5. you can loose your mucus plug long before you go into labour. i think she should have checked you more but she knows what shes doing. If this is your first kit will also take longer than if it was your second. just hope for the best. If you still feel like there is something wrong go back. Its your bady and your child.Best of Luck

  6. Your placenta was in the need to see a doctor. If your placenta is covering the birth canal, you can not deliver vaginally. Doing so could tear the placenta, robbing the baby of oxygen and nutrients during delivery, possible brain damage or still birth. Not to mention could cause damage to the uterus and leave you hemorrhaging, with no other option but to do a hysterectomy.

  7. your definitely ready to go into labour she should of checked to see if your cervix was dilating or done a scan to see why the placenta is in the way as you are so close to birth babies head should be engaged i would contact your gp or visit the midwife again if your worried or not happy this is your baby its your rights good luck and hope all goes well

  8. If she couldn't check you because your placenta was in the way, you definitely need to go see someone else.. NOW!

    That is called placenta previa and it can cause problems. If you go into labor while the placenta is covering the cervix it can cause the placenta to rupture. You may need a C-section if it doesn't resolve.

    You can get more info here-

    Good Luck!
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