
Might be pregnant please help??

by  |  earlier

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i feel like aunt flow is coming but have all the syptoms of pregnancy fatigue,morning sickness<not really in the morning it really at night or after i eat>nausated im suppose to start my period today but nothing yet im getting cramps to.

so if anybody ever got this before plz tell me and ended up being pregnant




  1. thats EXACTLY how it was for me all 3 times i was pregnant. congrats if you are!!

  2. You could be but still wait for another few days before testing, one day is not a sure sign and it could be stress or something that is making you feel sick and making you late. Just wait it out for a few days and see how you feel then. Periods can be really funny sometimes, are you actually trying for a baby?

  3. that sounds like the symptoms of pregnancy......but i&#039;m not sure about the cramps.  sometimes it might be something you ate or if you have been drinking that could be the cause of nausea.  if it&#039;s none of that then think about if there&#039;s a possibility if you could be pregnant.  you could wait a few days after your missed period to see if you start it.  but if you absolutely have to know then you could go buy a pregnancy test.  i would recommend e.p.t.  i&#039;ve used the other ones before and that was the only one that seemed more accurate.  GOODLUCK.

  4. with #1 I was ticked for a few days because we were TTC and I had cramps, just like my period was coming- but turns out i was pregnant! the tricky thing is that every symptom of pregnancy (with the expection of missing your period of course) is also a possible symptom of PMS! If your period is due today I would go ahead and take a test. If it&#039;s negative and your period still doesn&#039;t start in a day or two take another (there are usually 2 in a pack). If that keeps up, you should check with your doctor.  

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