
Migraine Friends.....?

by  |  earlier

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Please help me with preventive migrain medication. Has anyone been succesful with Topamax? If so what dosage has seemed to work and how horrible were the side effects? If other medication has worked as a preventive please share....I cannot take this pain and nausa anymore, it feelis like such a dissability.

Any suggestions?




  1. THIS MAY OR MAY NOT SOUND STUPID TO YOU BUT HAVE YOU TRIED VOO DOO?sorry on the big print.but im serious have you?try taking a brown feather found not bought dip it in rain water twist the feather between your fingers were the feather makes noise in your ear kinda like a wet willy but will sound like birds wings flapping.i used this once for migrains caused by sinus problems and havnt had a problem sense.what do you have to loose?you dont have to tell anybody you did this.i looked up feathers and the brown feather is for health.a black lady turned me on to racist as i am i still love her for this

  2. Am sorry to hear about the excruciating pain you've endured.

    Perhaps these links could offer some ideas on what else you may do to regain some little comfort:
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