
Migraine Help???????????

by  |  earlier

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I'm sat at work with a stinkin migraine that's come on in the last 2 hours. I'm the only one here so I can't go out and get painkillers. I have the curtains and door shut to try and make it as dark as poss. I'm drinking lots of water. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I could do to feel better until someone comes and I can go home? Feelin sick with it too.




  1. turn off the computer as it will make it worse

    just try to get some rest while you are by your self

  2. Turn off the computer ! And go home and sleep with a cold flannel over your head.

  3. i suffer with migraines also,

    It seems as though when you stare at bright light it creates an anoying blur in your eyes. This is all to do with development from reaching your teen years to an adult

    ill advise you with the best ssteps to take

    1# sit in a dark area prefrebly your bedroom, this will help the blury feelings seep away

    2# take pain killers staight away as we all know after migrains you get a terrable headache, so this will help take the pain away

    3# REST! try to get as many hours sleep as possible as this will help you recover faster

    hope u feel better

  4. your gonna think Ima an idiot..and I feel like one even posting this..but a friends mum  absolutely swears by cutting a potato in half..and using a scarf, place the spud against where it hurts, flesh side of the spud against your skin..and leave it there..supposedly as the spud goes draws the head ache out

    NOW..I personally havent tried this..because I rarely get headaches..but I mates mum gets a headache..out comes the potato..and shes feeling better an hr ya never know? LOL

    Personally..Id go to bed and try and sleep it off lol

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