
Migration problem?

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A student and his family is migrating to Canada soon, after the student arrived in Canada is he considered an INTERNATIONAL STUDENT? The family applies for a permanent residence in Canada but that doesn't mean they are considered as Canadian Citizens they are still Filipino Citizens... Is the student an INTERNATIONAL STUDENT?...




  1. I actually work for a college that is a LINC (Language Instruction for New Canadians) so this is how it works.  If you are a "permanent Resident" you are NOT a Canadian Citizen.  You would be what they call a Landed Immigrant.  so you would be eligible for LINC courses to help with English.  There are various levels you can be assessed at and you would have 1250 hours of instruction that would be paid for by CIS.  Canada Immigration Services.

    If you want to go to any other type of classes or institution you would have to pay the International Student rates which are very costly.  At our College a 4 month ESL program is $5200.00.

    I would suggest that when you come to Canada that you find re-settlement organization that can help you with all these questions and point you in the right direction.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Well, I guess the question depends on whose point of view you are looking at it from. For example. If you are a Filipino and you have moved to Canada and are attending a Canadian school, that would make you a Canadian student. But, to the Canadians that are native to the country, since you are a foreigner, you can be considered as an International student. So technically you are both, international and Canadian. You get the best of both worlds! Yei!
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