
Mile time running tips?

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Im 13 years old 5 foot in 8th grade my mile time is 7:45 i want to do indoor track in 9th grade next year can i get som tips to get my mile time to 7:00




  1. Train for longer distances- try to run a mile and a half using the same pace you run for the 7:45 mile. Or try running 2-3 miles with a slower pace to build up your endurance. Overtraining is the best, because if you can keep your 7:45 pace for a mile and a half or two miles, you'll be less tired doing the mile, and you'll be able to kick up the pace near the end and finish strong.

  2. Don't run faster than you can talk.  Smoked 2 packs a day and ran the mile in 5:28 at age 45.  Would have broken 4 min mile except paralysis slowed me down to a 25 min 2 1/2 mil walk with one good leg.  

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