
Mile-tired 4th race lap?

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I run the mile on my track team, and am trying to get better(duh). One of the things i strugle with is i will go really strong fot thr first 3 laps then get tired and lose my form, when raises my time alot. how do i save enuf energy to keep a strong last lap and a good kick? (while still having a good 3 laps?)




  1. speed up in incraments. Like start out at 50% speed for hte 1st lap, then to 65% 2nd then 80% third then all out 4th. Remember to never look at your feet, and keep your thumbs stuck striagh ahead of you and your arms at a 90 degree angle. I know the thumb thing sounds weird but my track coach had us do that for a meet and all, and i mean all, of our times actually went down! :) Pick up your heels too...your soleious (the front of your shins) could get sore because you are actually running correctly, but that's actually a good thing. I hope this helps and that you do better on the track and do not get too tired! :)

  2. Sounds like maybe your stamina isn't there yet or your burning yourself out by going out to fast too early.  Take your best time and divide it by 4. Pace yourself to  how ever many seconds that makes for each of the fist 3 laps and I gaurantee you will have more left for the last lap and you time will improve greatly.

    If its stamina slowly increase you mileage. Start in 1/2 mile increments every other day. Then go to everyday. Then a mile. You get the picture.  For the mile work yourself up to 5 to 6 miles daily. Before long the times will drop and your confidence will soar.

    Good luck


  3. Looks like you just cant take the pain, the worst lap is the third, on the fourth lap you should be going all out, suck it up.

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