
Miley Cyrus's Sweet 16? Help!!!?

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Miley just released the news that 5000 of her fans can come and celebrate her sweet 16 at Disney Land. I am a part of Mileyworld (Miley's offical fan club) and I went to her concert and met her. The tickets go on sale Aug. 30th and will sell out faster than her concerts. My mom is set on not letting me go because of airfare and hotel costs (plus the $250 to get into the party). I have around $700 in my bank account but my mom is determened not to let me use it. My friend (that would come if I went) came up with a total around 1000 for the both of us. Is there any way to make my mom and dad convinced that I could go by myself (I'm 13) for 2 nights? I've been on a plane before to South Carolina (I live in NY). And is there any way to make my parents let me take money out of my bank acount?? I need major help!! If you were to sort out Miley's fans, I would be #1! You should see my room...HELPPX1000000000000000




  1. DONT GO. this isnt a slam on miley or anything but this is like the jonas brothers. its just a celebrity and you shouldnt be obssessed with anyone. dont go off spending around $2000 just to go to a party where you probably wont even meet her. plus you and everyone knows that you wont be obssessed forever so its pointless. spend your money on something more usefull like a new laptop or an ipod or something that will last.

  2. i don't care if its a degrassi party I'm not paying 250 to go to some d**n party. are you out of your mind? save that money for college or a laptop or something....what if you go and spend all that money and you end up disappointed in the end...get a life kid...

  3. eh no! You're only 13! If i were your mam i wouldn't even let you stay the night let alone 2 nights! and by your self? ha!

    And you're wasting your money seriously. save it.

    You'd be stupid to waste it all in 2 days.

  4. I can't believe you people are actually going to pay to go to her birthday.

    Wow.  This world has just reached a new low...

  5. why not do something useful with all that money? like buy a ten year supply of garbage bags or something?

    and unless your parents are complete idiots, you won't be able to go by yourself.  

  6. Why would you want to attend someone's b-day party and have to PAY to attend. It really shows you how much she actually CARES for her fans, to make them pay to lame...

  7. why would you want to pay so much for a disney s**t you dont even know

  8. By asking this foolish "question", you've supplied the answer.  You've  proved that you're immature and irresponsible; you have no idea  how to handle money.  Not only do you have to pay airfare and the price of admission to a "party" where you'll never see the guest of dishonor, you also have to pay for a hotel and food, as well as for transportation from and to the airport in LA.  Any parent who would let a 13-year old fly across the country alone, pay for a "party" with a talentless nobody would be arrested for child endangerment.  Save your money and use it for something useful.  DO NOT WASTE IT ON MULEY CYRUS.

  9. your 13 and you got $700 in your bank  who ever believes that believes anything  

  10. you are 13; they can  make you do anything

  11. You're outta luck.  There's nothing in the world that could convince your parents to let you go by yourself.  At only 13, there's no court in the land that would *force* them to let you.  You'll have to resign yourself to the fact that you're only 13 and that you can't always get what you want.  Sorry, I know you don't want to hear it, but them's the breaks, kid.

  12. I'm not gonna pay to go to some f*cking birthday party.

  13. who would make someone pay to go to a party. i should do that to. dont you have school?? school comes before play.

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