
Military Guy and s*x REVISED..... ?

by  |  earlier

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So i asked if It was love or if it was s*x. But i dont think i put enough details..... So her it is. We dated for a while. broke up for diff. beliefs on kids. Since then we have come to an agreement. On his myspace there are pics of us kissing, status is taken, and He says he loves me. But when i posted an "i love you" comment he deleted it. right now he is stationed in idaho and im in boston. we are not having s*x but do talk about it. He tells me he loves me but why did he delete that comment. He is getting deployed in a few days and wants we to go see him this weekend. Is he back with me for the hopes of s*x or does he love me??




  1. You just believe this ,,,, He's after the s*x hands down ,,,, He's a young guy and the military has opened up his eyes to the world and what's out there ,,,, He's not going to tie himself down to just one person that he left behind ,,,, It's a big wide open world out there with all kinds of things to see taste feel and experience ,,,, Believe you me he's going to get his share of it too ,,,, Don't become a toy or play thing for anyone ,,, Don't let anyone use you and make a fool of you either ,,,, You have something these gland heads want and they are ready to do say or promise anything they think they have to in order to score up to and even including tears if they think they need to ,,,,

    I certainly hope you give what I've said  serious consideration before you do anything foolish ,,,, Don't let yourself become a victim ,,,, Besides nothing is going to stop him from being with others he will meet through out the world anyway ,,,,He's going to be like any other guy in the armed services with a girl or two in every port or station,,,,Military personnel are one of the major reason for the introduction of serious STD's into our country today also ,,,,And believe me they have STD's and STI's out there they don't even have names for yet let alone a cure ,,,,

    Save yourself allot of head ache shame and embarrassment ,,,, Don't have to learn these things the hard way ,,,,A hard learned lesson is a lesson learned the hard way ,,,, There's nothing you can do about the mistakes and the concequences are not only unavoidable but also unbelievable ,,,, Just tell this guy thanks but no thanks ,,,, You'll eventually be glad you did ,,,,,       //

  2. ASK HIM!.. straight in his face and mention that he deleted your comment , check his reactions and trust your gut..

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