
Military contract question???

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I'm not in no branch of the military my husband is a disable army vet but i wanted to go into the Air Force next year maybe...just wondering how do you buy out your contract with any branch for that matter?




  1. I do know that when u first sign @ MEPS it's not official yet.  The day you leave for basic training is when u officially make it official contract.  I did hometown recruiting for a few weeks before coming to Germany and I saw 2 guys ditch out on leaving for basic training.  Not only did they do it once but they did it three times!!! and than when they went to the recruiting station, the recruiters told them to go some where else.  

    I'm in the Army so I'm not sure how Air Force works.  I do know it's easier in the Air Force than the Army.  There are ways to get out of the military once you're in.  You can be a total s***w up and get in a lot of trouble and get kicked out (but i've seen a lot of people get in trouble for drugs and still get to stay in)  Also as a female, if you can pregnant while in the military you can get take the chapter 8 and get out.  I've seen a lot of females who get pregnant just so they can get out.  (def. wrong answer but it happens all the time)  ALSO if you dont take the chapter 8 as a pregnant female, you can get chaptered out of the military for having a child and not having a family care plan, which is a plan for your child if you had to go to training or deployment etc.

    Oh and another way to get out is medical reasons.

    But remember, just because you join the military and than later on get out, doesn't mean that you will get out on good terms.  I've been in for 5 years now and have seen people get discharged from the military and are having troubles finding a job!

    if your husband is a disable vet, than he should know all about everything that i mentioned.

  2. If you are not in the service why do you need to buy out a contract?  And FYI, you can't.

  3. There is no way someone can "buy out" of their contract.  Once you sign up, your in!

    However, I have seen Marines win the lottery and get an honorable discharged based on something called "good of the service".  Basically, this very rich Marine could cause issues with the order and discipline of a unit, so he is offered an opportunity to get out.  However, he never paid any money to get out!

    It wouldnt be fair if we could buy our way out of a contract!  You would have all kinds of families "buying" their kids out prior to deployment so Johnnie or Suzie wouldnt have to go to war!  That would be HORRIBLE!

  4. I'm confused! Why are you wanting to buy out your contract if you're not even in the military?!?

  5. no buy outs once your in, your in

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