
Military or College?

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Ok, i'm an upcoming senior and I need some advice. I've wanted to serve the military for alot of my life. The thing is, I'm not sure whether I should graduate high school, then go off to the military, or whether I should go to college first. Note that I don't have any intentions of being an officer, atleast not before gaining some experience as an enlisted man.




  1. If you play your cards right, the military will pay for your college after you serve.

  2. It really depends on what your looking for. If you go in the military you can get money for college but on the flipside If you go to college first(you have to get a certain amount of credits I belive) then you can enlist as an officer (where your pay grade will be a lot higher). Its really a choice that YOU have to make, you also got to remember when your in the military, your theirs. I've tried a few times to enlist in the marines but I didn't qualify because I have tourettes. Just talk to your local recruiter they'll fill you in on the military side of things. But overall its really a decision you have to make...... College or the Military?  

  3. i am an upcoming junior and i have done enough research for myself about the military. personally i would go into the military first then go to college. i say this beacause if you serve then go to college then the military will cover up to $50,000 of your tuition EVERY year. If this isn't enough contact a local recruiter for help.

  4. Both the military will pay for your college.

  5. This isn't a question people on yahoo answers can answer, it's what you want to do.Although, I think if you do join the military, they will help pay for college

  6. Do you really want to "serve" this country?  We are in desperate need of doctors, nurses, engineers, and entrepreneurs willing to start business here and employ people here in this country.  

      You could join the military.  Maybe you believe the current conflict is valiant.  However, maybe the next one you don't agree with.  At that point you won't have a choice.  This one is almost over, you will have 20 years to join the military service if you want after wards.  If you see something come up that you think is valid, run down to the recruiter and they will surely take you.  But for now if you want to save "American lives" and "protect the American way of life" figure our a cure for cancer, find a way to become energy independent, or do something to improve the value of the American dollar.  

  7. Reserves and college, you come out an officer and make alot more money and have alot more respect and the military pays for it, then military mate. Best route in the world. If your grades are high enough try and go to the academy like west point, full ride and a great school, very prestigious. You need a recommendation from your congressman though. good luck

  8. Go into the military on the smallest time before they help with college.  Save for college while you are doing this. (Watch out for the "juicy girls"). Go for college in a career that you think you may like in the military. The problem is after spending 5-8 yrs. in the military as enlisted, your pay is equal to a second lieutenant. If you stay in the military too long in enlisted you will get a pay decrease after officer school.

  9. Do both, get a ROTC scholarship, go to college and come in as an officer.  Saying that you don't want to go in as an officer is silly.  There is nothing wrong with it and I don't know why anyone would turn down a larger income just to experience enlisted life.  That makes no sense, you can gain experience as an officer as well.  

  10. My husband went into the military his senior year.

    He wished that he had finished college first.

    Te reason is the military, as much as they try to promote education, doesn't give you a lot of time to do any college work.

    You can take self-development courses all you want, but very few actually count toward college credit.

    You don't HAVE to be an officer with a bachelor degree. You will go in with a higher rank as enlisted if you prefer.

    I'm a soldier and remember struggling to take classes during my time in Active duty. It was tough. I wound up withdrawing.

    With the Iraq situation, it's even harder because of all the field training that goes on. It's hard to take an internet class if you are out in the boonies.

    When you get out (or even if you don't), you can use the GI Bill to go to graduate school.

    Your chances for a great civilian job skyrocket with a degree and military experience.

    Life WILL happen. You never know when you enlist that you may get married and have a couple of kids. Before you know it, college gets harder and harder to fit into your goals.

    I'm there. I had one child in the Army. I put of my goals. Now I'm 28 years old and still going to school.

    Don't make the same mistake my husband and I did.

    Get the degree first and out of the way.

    The $50,000 tuition coverage ONLY applies to some critical MOSs (jobs).

    And this is a GOOD place to ask that question. There are actually a lot of soldiers on YA.

    Good luck to you!

  11. My opinion would be to enlist first.  The service will help you through college.

  12. The reserves or the national guard is perfect for you. You can go to school normal but have military status and training. I did that during my college undergrad and by time i graduated form college i had 5 years of military experience, a deployment to Iraq, and options to do full time active duty ,  AGR, or reserve technician. If you work hard you can graduate from college and be a E-6 in the active army in no time. Good luck!!!

  13. well an ex Marine Gunnery Sargent (who is like family), told me after i graduated highschool and was a couple of signitures away form enlisting, told me to give college a try first. he stressed that if u have a college degree then u can go in to training to be an officer when u enlist. and on top of that the military well still be there after college. but the choice is urs. i hope this helps and good luck with what ever u chose.
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