
Military spouses question

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Please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm curious. If your spouse gets deployed, does that increase how much you'd want a child with your spouse? I don't know if that makes sense lol. To me, nothing symbolizes love like a child can. Again I mean no disrespect. Thanks!




  1. No not really - my husband is going on deployment here very soon but honestly no i dont want a child right now... to many other things i wanna do before that... dont worry you arent being disrepectful

  2. The stereotypical example is the Second World War and the baby boom.  Many couples felt an earnest impetus to marry and then to get pregnant.  This even though with (if I'm remembering the numbers right) the around twenty million U.S. service men in uniform there were segments of the armed forces where the risk to life and limb was not significant.

    Few wars in history have been associated with a population decrease, world-wide, or even nationally.  And those wars that have been associated with population decreases have usually been genocidal wars where a nation's population itself was under attack.  Instead most wars have actually been associated with a population increase.  Again, for the western allies at least, the Second World War was not one of the exceptions.

    How really does that answer your question?  Well consider this, these baby booms aren't happening during peacetime. Are they?

  3. Sometimes... for some people.  My husband just got done with his second deployment and I was pretty much one of the few young wives in the battalion who wasn't pregnant  for the deployment.  But now, since everyone looks at me in amazement when I tell them we have ben married for two years and have no children, I slightly want a baby.  d**n THIS PEER PRESSURE!

  4. Yes, because it makes you feel that if anything were to happen to your spouse, you would still have part of them with you. It's kind of an emotional thing, but not a very good idea realistically. I felt this way when my husband deployed for 15 months, but looking back, I am glad we didn't get pregnant!  

  5. IF you have a good marriage, then a child/children is the next natural step, and will bring you closer together. I know; I put 21 years in the military, and knowing my family was back home, waiting for me was a great thing.I did 3 tours of duty in Viet Nam !

  6. That does seem to be a common reaction.  There is always a population boom around military installations whenever there is a deployment pending, and another one 9 months after the deployment ends.  It is a matter of reaffirming life in the face of possible death.

  7. not at all. I am most assuredly childFREE( By choice) and have no desire whatsoever to have a child  with or without him deploying.  

    and love is not embodied in a rug rat.   far from it.  My marriage is just fine thankyewverymuch and I will not be more fulfilled if I Procreate.

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