
Milk disintegrated my shirt???

by  |  earlier

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Ok so today I eating some cereal (Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats Cinnamon Streusel) and as i was drinking the remaining milk in the bowl i spilled a small drop on my shirt. As I grabbed a washcloth and put my hand underneath my shirt to give myself a hard surface to try and dab the milk off, my shirt literally pulled apart. This really made me mad because this is my favorite shirt (expensive Abercrombie & Fitch shirt). I'm not sure how in the WORLD milk caused my shirt to do this. I now have a hole slightly smaller than a pea in right in the middle of my shirt. While I really want to know if this is fixable, I'm really interested in what exactly caused this bizarre mishap.




  1. Maybe there was something on the washcloth.

  2. I appreciate this was an expensive shirt but I do think there was a flaw in the fabric.



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