
Mind set of illegal aliens?

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Can anyone tell me how illegal aliens (of any nationality) justify coming here and not paying taxes? I mean, what is their mind set? Are they all trying to become citizens and the process just takes too long or do they just not care that they are sponging off of the rest of us?




  1. Let's see.

    The come here and work and pay income taxes (deducted from paychecks). They buy things and therefore pay sales taxes. They drive cars so they pay gas taxes. They buy cars so they pay excise taxes. Some own houses and therefore pay real estate taxes, water bills, sewage bills, trash collection bills.

    The products that they buy are sold by companies which then hire more people, buy or manufacture more products, thus stimulating the economy and decreasing unemployment.

    In what wway do they sponge off of the rest of us? You make them sound like Republicans.

  2. Most of them just don't understand the laws. You have keep in mind that in most of our alien countries the government and police are extremely corrupt, or at least more than ours. Therefore they have a natural distrust for these agencies when they get here.

  3. Ask McCain. He sponsored the latest amnesty bill

  4. I think you hit it they don't care and our liberal government pays them  wacky uh

  5. your last sentence is the answer.   kick em out now.

  6. I love the people who say the "illegal aliens are good, honest people".  I don't know of many good, honest people who commit crimes.

    The illegals should go home and implement Obama's slogan.."Change".  If your country stinks, "Change" it.

  7. It all depends.  There are different types.  Some are criminals, and some just want to  make an honest living.  Some are willing to go through the system and some aren't.  I knew a guy who worked as an engineer for over $90,000 a year and then all of a sudden his visa expired and he became illegal.  He stuck around for a couple years and then left.

  8. One way to get rid of one group illegals is may be returning California and Texas to them.   Just a thought.

  9. Mindset of disdaining and disrespecting the law. Mindset based on what they can take from our nation, not what they can contribute. Mindset of bypassing the legal path to take what they want illegally. Mindset of clinging to their perceived superiority of their homeland they also claim could not support them and not embracing the culture here.

    They don't care about the US or its' citizens.

  10. Bubbles. Everyday people talk about that. Where do you live ?

    Some come here to make a better living than in their countries. These are the majority.

    Others are criminals, gangsters, drug dealers that come here to do their evil things

  11. All they have to do is wait it out.  The liberals don't give a d**n about the taxes they steal or who steals them, they care about votes and if 20 million illegals want to **** over America in exchange of voting democrat than so be it.

  12. They don't care how they affect Americans. That one poster said they come and work, buy gas for thier cars..............right there!!! They are ILLEGAL so why are they driving around with no drivers license and of course no insurance??? They come breaking the law and continue to do so while mooching.

  13. Some immigrants come in hopes of a better life than the poverty and war-ridden strife their country is stuck in. Some come in hopes of some amnesty from the country that claims that it's origins are based on immigrants.

    I highly doubt that any of you can claim American-Indian heritage... that this land is your land and not everyone else's too. Your forefathers may be from England, Germany, Ireland, China, wherever. Regardless you come from dirty, poor immigrants too.

    Keep in mind that if you were stuck somewhere food and safety is scarce, you would want to go somewhere there is so much food that people are obese. Somewhere stabbing and rape and pillaging is considered inhumane and out of the norm.

    I would say for many it is a matter of survival.

    I might also add that it is more likely that American politicians are sponging off of US citizens more than some minimum wage immigrants. Please do look more into the ridiculous projects your senator may have approved for hard-earned tax-payer money before you go blaming some under-educated, under-privileged  people.

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