
Minor selling drugs?

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What would be the penalty for a 15 year old caught trafficking drugs in the city and was caught with over 2 ounces of cocaine and 100 e caps in his jacket pocket?

In Canada, but if you know know for USA that can help too, thanks




  1. Many years ago.... many many years ago I had a 14 year old friend get caught with an "8 ball" of something like coke or crack. He was in "juvie" until he was 18 and I have no clue after that what happened.

    Being 15 doesn't give you an ability to break the law without punishment. Its jsut the institution you spend your time at.

    2 ounces and 100 caps? You'll be someones ***** for years to come getting caught. I wouldn't do it if I were you. its a long life and starting it out with jail time and years of anal rape probably wouldn't be the best way to get a life started.

  2. A couple months of juvie and if he does drugs they will put him in a drug rehab class. Thats in th US.

  3. Likely they'd get some time. Thats a lot of stuff, even if it's a first offence...thats a lot of stuff! So I'd "guess" 12 months lock up, and 2 years probation. Might be charged as an adult, might not. It will be a felony anyway you cut it.

    I'd ask in Law Enforcement sections. They have some police officers on there sometimes...they'd be able to tell you more specifically.

  4. It depends on the state he is in and the judge and the parent.s
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