
Miracles care to agree or disagree ?

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yes i have memories of a few things

that i call miracles

either if it happens to you

or someone close to your heart

it well give you hope ,

or give you the power to stand tall

after a lost fight with life

or make you feel special in a way or another

for just being there

to be a witness ,

and gives you a clear vision

of great little things in your life

that no one would care to think of but you

. because you are honest enough to your self to believe in miracles




  1. miricals can and do happen even today!! I've seen it ...

  2. you hit the enter button at odd times whilst writing this

  3. My mom got a gold tooth at a conference, it was not there prior to the conference.  

  4. I'm not positive I understand your question ,but I am taking it that you are asking if people believe in miracles.. If so the answer for me is yes. Now I do not mean like back in the Biblical days (parting of the red sea etc.) but in simple quiet ways yes.Times like someone needed to talk and the right person "just" happened by for a spiritual lift. Or any number of different situations.Many things are not coincidence....  

  5. ~~ Day Dreamer Day Belifer it is said to have ~ben~ more prof with the scrolls of Alexandria as well as the tower of Babel 10 commandments and the the father Jesus in which was Hung on the cross how could you lie about such a Thing~ Think and the Records Of Julius ~<^>{{________> ( ~'.'~)  

  6. I for one do in fact believe in miracles, and have seen many of them in my life, i am 56, and i look forward to seeing more.One for example is my youngest daughter who was born without any tear duct in either of her eyes. She was getting crusty ,matter on her eyes, from birth, and the condition was deteriorating to the point that both of her eyes were infected, and the Dr was concerned that it could affect her vision.They wanted to perform microscopic surgery on her but they needed her to be a bit older, and more stronger, she was a difficult pregnancy, and needed to recuperate from some of her ordeal, but we ran the risk that the longer we waited, the more damage could be done to her eyes. Not knowing what else to do, I prayed, and the next morning, when the eye specialist saw her, he sent her home, saying there was no need for surgery, my baby was healed.God healed my baby, and theDr's are still amazed at this event.

  7. Miracles give all of those things to people. I agree, They're powerful and i can't think of many (if any) things I'd want more than hope, feeling special and strength to stand tall. Those things drive people!

  8. I believe things happen which can be inspiring to someone, yes.

    I wouldn't call them "miracles" though.

  9. "because you are honest enough to your self to believe in miracles"

    I'm even more honest than that - I'm honest enough to NOT believe in miracles.  

  10. some people call it fate, karma, chance.

    I call it a miracle, when someone is diagnosed with and had numerous other opinions and studies, scheduled surgeries for, to find at the last minute it's all gone.

    MIRACLE-praise God

  11. Agree

  12. If you have a question, please try again.

    The name of the site is "Questions".

  13. Strange coincidences are a fact of life. Some of us look for rational explanations, others ignore reality and choose easy supernatural explanations. I've yet to see anything in life that would even remotely qualify as miraculous.

  14. miracles happening is fact!

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