
Mirena IUD?

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I am getting the Meriena IUD put in on friday. I was wondering when after that can i be intimate with my boyfriend? I know i can ask my doctor but was kinda wondering now. Thanks




  1. You can be intimate with me right now!!

  2. It is supposed to be effective immediately.  

    I now have my second Mirena - used the first one for nearly 5 years, then had it removed to get pregnant.  Had the second one put in at my 6 week post partum check last month.  I had some cramping at first - and I stopped having periods so that was nice.  This time around I am breastfeeding so I have not had a period since my son was born.  My doctor told me to use condoms for a few weeks after insertion just as a backup. My husband isn't bothered by the string since it is cut short.  It isn't the birthcontrol choice for everyone, but it is perfect for me and many others.

    If you have not had a baby before then expect some pretty bad cramping the first few days.  I took motrin / ibuprophen for that.  After my baby, the insertion was uncomfortable, but I didn't cramp at all afterwards.  

    You will love not having to worry about taking the pill every day or using any other kind of birth control - it is there and it works so you can forget about it!  Good luck Friday - take some motrin before your appointment to offset any discomfort from the insertion...

  3. Yes you are immediatly able to be intimate. Keep in mind that if he has any pain in his p***s (pain as in he cannot have s*x with you because something is "poking" him) then they did not cut your strings short enough. Also, you may bleed for up to 6 weeks with mirena. I hope your experience is better than mine. I got my mirena in while I was still bleeding from having my daughter (6 week chekcup) and did not stop bleeding for 6 months. I was having horrible cramps everyday and i finally had to have it removed. They told me that it was not put in far enough, the strings were cut too short, and it was crooked. I did not realize how horrible it was making me feel until i got it taken out. Im glad that i did have it removed when i did because i am now TTC # 2 and of course that is not going to happen with mirena inside of me. Good luck with it and be prepared to bleed, but it is different for everone. Some women have had amazing results with it!

  4. Yes you can still be intimate ..but theres times when the guy can feel the IUD

  5. They usually dont recommend this birth control unless you already have children.  

    You can be intimate right away.  I do know alot of woman who hated the mirena and had alot of cramping and bleeding for months.  I only know of one person out of about 10 women i know who have it like it.  Just make your self aware of the side affects.
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