
Miscarriage tattoo advice needed?

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hey all, i wanted some advice, i recently lost another baby (lost 5 before this) and for my other angels i got wings tattoo'd onto my back. i was thinking about getting another tattoo for recent baby also, was thinking about a star on my wrist or something? anyone got any nice designs or any other idea's? would be grateful for any imput.

my current tattoo.




  1. I am going to have to agree with another need to see a doctor. There is something going on if you are having 5 miscarriages. I am not trying to seem insensitive but the way that you are going, you are going to be covered with tattoos.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss, I cannot imagine how tough this is for you.  As for your memorial tattoo, I like the idea of stars, or also a little heart (pink if the baby was a girl, blue if it was a boy) I know it is a bit cliched and unoriginal, but it is a simple symbol without being too morbid.

  3. I recently lost my best friend in the world, my Amazon Parrot. It's the closest thing I can imagine to losing a child, because he truly was mine. So, I am so sorry for your loss.

    After my baby passed away, I got his footprints tattooed on my shoulder, where he always sat. I really like the idea of footprints, but understand you already have a set for your living child. What about something that would be a specific reminder of this child? For example, if you had a name picked out, you could do his name with angel's wings. Or, his name under a rainbow! I like that, if you're familiar with the Rainbow Bridge Poem (google it - they have one for people and for pets).

    I hope this helps and I am so sorry for your loss(es).

  4. do a star anklet. I have seen one and it looks so awesome

  5. What about something like these with your babies initials placed in it somewhere? Sorry for your loss! BTW I google heaven in the image search if that helps.


  6. I'm So SORRY! You've lost five?!?! FIVE?!? Have you seen a doctor?

  7. im so sorry for u...u could get a tat of a baby's footprint, like what they do when a baby's born...

  8. I am so sorry for your loss. How about a simple halo above your wings? Or get a chain with five forget me nots,  hearts or teardrops around your wrist.  

  9. beautiful tattoo!  I love the star idea, it's perfect!

  10. How about a flower with the actual flower replaced with a baby foot print.  I designed one when my wife lost a baby.  We decided not to get it but I still have the pic.  Let me know if you would like to see it.

  11. im sorry!!

    i lost two sisters and im getting something for them. i was thinking stars on my hip bone for them.

    i love your idea though.

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