
Missing hamster?

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My daughters hamster is missing for about 3 days how long can a hamster live without food and water. any suggestion on how to find it




  1. They will find food and water somewhere. Look it ktchen cabinets, under stove, behind fridge, things like that. If it didnt get out (I found one of mine in the garage) chances are you will stumble upon it when you least expect it and it will scare the h**l out of you.  : )   Look at night since they're nocturnal.

  2. Look behind the couch and under it. Look behind any funriture or under it. Not sure about the eating part.

  3. bring in a cat and she where they go a friend lost a hampster and it was stuck inside a speaker it died after 2 days so look for a smell maybe it is still getting food or if you do bring in a cat hope they find it because it will start to stink

  4. my hamster gets loose out of her cage occasionally, and we find it with in 2 days.... hamsters have a strong sense of smell, and will sniff out what ever smells nice enough to eat... i dont know about water... =) whenever  we find her,(cocoa) she's usually in shoes, behind the couch cushions, behind the refridgerator, or in boxes... :)

  5. It can live for maybe a few days. By now it might be dead=-(. But try luring it with food. it always worked with my hamster

  6. Here are some ideas to help you out:

    1. Hamsters love fresh foods. Try cutting up a few chunks of apples, cheese and lettuce. Place one chunk of any of the foods in each room of the house. Monitor them and see which ones get taken. Then you will know the general area the hamster is in.

    2. Make sure that you place it's cage on the ground with some type of ramp so it can get in safely. Like others said put fresh foods in the cage and maybe a trail of food leading to the cage. Once he finds the cage he will probably go back to it by morning to go to sleep.

    3. This one is pretty good. Get a small bucket, (tall enough so the hamster couldn't climb out) Put a towel or something that will help the hamsters landing inside the bucket. Put some strong smelling fresh food inside the bucket. Now stack a bunch of phone books or something leading up to the bucket. If the hamster is hungry enough he will jump into the bucket and won't be able to climb out. Also put a piece of food on each step leading to the bucket to encourage him to keep climbing.

    Those are about all the things I can think of. Good luck!

  7. If it has been 3 days, I wouldn't be too hopeful. If you've already thoroughly searched for it, in the smallest little corners, and EVERYWHERE (this includes behind the fridge and in all your floor-level cupboards), then it has probably fallen into a furnace vent or is in another unfortunate situation. I doubt it could live very long without water, not more than a week at best.

    I'm sorry it's lost, I hope you can find it soon!

  8. hamsters can live for a while i put food around my house and if some is missing i means he is around make sure the vents are closed and if you have cats O.o

  9. put food around the cage and put a ramp so it can get into the cage. my hamster escaped so many times. and everytime it did the first place i wlookes was my soft toys and she was always there! if your daughter has soft toys on the ground or something look there . and also look everywhere else ! and if your furniture may have some  bite markes hamsters love bitting things! hope you find your hamster!

  10. I lost my hamster recently as well, luckily he was found!

    Take the cage and lay it open on the floor, with a ramp so he or she can get back in. Spread some of the food around the cage area. Also cut up apples, hamsters love them and they are very fragrant, so it will attract them. Any other special treats you know your hamster likes to eat.

    Since hamsters are mostly nocturnal, he's probably holed up somewhere during the day and then at night has free range over the house.

    Remember to walk carefully!

    Best of luck finding your little guy!
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