
Mites on rats....?

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ok io have 2 boys and 2 girl rats and just notice mites.was wondering if anyone had any info on what i can do for them and if mites can kill my rats.thank you and if you have any more info feel free to inform me...




  1. im not sure if its the same, but i had mites on my mice. the pet store sold them as food and i bought mine as pets and they all had mites. im sure there is a drug the doctor can give them that will kill the mites. but i would hurry, my mice all died young from the outbreak.

    hope this helps!


  2. about two weeks ago we found that our boys had mites all 9 of them but the girls were fine. we got a sofa bed off our friend turns out her cats had mites so in turn they came off the new sofa. so check if there is anything new in your home or anything or anyone new has been in ur home. if not it might be off untreated bedding.  the best thing to do is what we did.

    buy puppy flee shampoo not cat or kitten it must be puppy as its best for them the more sensertivethe better. bath them all and put them back into a freshly made up cage make sure if your going to bath them and they dont like baths or never had one b4 wear a thick long sleeve top because they will try an jump out and cling to you and it hurts but im used to it lol. and bath them on kitchen sink so u can use draining board to apply shampoo  makes it a lot less stressful ..

    and u will need to buy some common house hold flee spray and spray all ur floors and sofa suite and anywere ur rats go/play make sure the rats/pets are in another room b4 spraying . and buy flee collers for any other animals u have like cats n dogs. but dont let the flee collers near the rats.

    this may sounds a bit ££$$$££ but it will do the trick as it did with ours.. need any more info email me at

  3. Take them to your vet, amigo.

    Yes, the mites can kill them but that would only happen if you are quite neglectful and just let them live with the mites and do not treat them. If you bring them to the vet and get treatment they'll be just fine.

    The vet will either give your rats Ivermectin (I'm sure I butchered the name of that) or Revolution. If you have a choice, I'd go with the Revolution as you don't need as many treatments and it kills them more completely. You'll need to completely, THOROUGHLY clean out the cage. Use bleach on everything, throw out wood toys, wash all blankets and towels, vacuum the nearby area, soak the cage in bleach if you can, if not just wipe it down with it. Not pure bleach, dilute it in water. Then go back and spray everything that you sprayed with bleach with a vinegar/water mix (you may have to do this twice to get rid of the bleach smell) because the smell of bleach harms rats' respiratory systems.

  4. Information on rat ecto-parasites and dealing with them:

    You'll need to see your vet for a rat safe medication. Here are two good, rat safe medications and their dosing instructions for rats:

  5. the best way to go would be to see your vet. they would have special medication for your rats and theyll be fine. yes, mites can kill rats if it gets serious.

    you should clean out the cage very well, because it will be infected with mites as well. so will their toys. if you have been handling the rats, then you should also give your clothes a scrub as well. basically, anything the rats have been near or touched, you should wash.

    if you want to get rid of the mites yourself, you can use a thick substance and coat it on your rats fur. i have never tried it before so im not entirely sure if it is safe, but it works.

    some things you could use are mayonnaise and hair conditioner. mayonnaise is safe for rats, so id stick to that rather than risking the conditioner.

    the thick liquids trap the mites in your rats fur and dont allow them to breathe so it causes them to die.

    you should wash your rats fur afterwards with a baby shampoo and dry thoroughly.

    good luck =)

  6. most deff take them to the doctors/vets. what worked on My hammy was i took a tooth brush and used some olive oil on his skin. he stoped itching and the mites went away, but could be diffrent  for rattys, so check with the vets/doctors. luck to ya :D

  7. you just have to take them to a vet and the vet will give meds for the mites. i really don't know if it could kill your babies but it could probably cause major discomfort.  make sure you go to a exotics vet too.... just so you know that the doctor has the right equipment and knowledge.
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