
Mitzvah Project help?!!?

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I volunteer at an animal shelter sometimes, but I have started to notice that playing with cats and cleaning cages does not really help the animals. I am a huge animal lover! I would really love to raise tons of money to give to an animal charity! I have talked to my mom about this and we have decided that we should do something creative, does not need tons and tons of effort, and raises lots of money in a medium amount of time....any ideas, if u need to know something, just ask and i will answer it!! THANK you for your help :)




  1. First off, if you want to make a difference to animals, then use your online social networking profiles (FaceBook, MySpace, etc.) to raise awareness about pet over-population, the importance of spaying and neutering pets, the importance of being a responsible pet owner, etc. Blog about these issues, link to organizations that address this nationally and in your area.

    Promise all of the money you raise through working in a certain period to go to a nonprofit in your area helping with pet-related issues. You can:

    -- walk dogs and pet sit

    -- do yard work

    -- run small errands


    You could get t-shirts made that you wear while you work, saying "I'm raising money for such-and-such organization." and then a web address for more information.

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