
Molar tooth broke off

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my molar tooth on the ride bottom side is broken.

on the top of the molar tooth is broken/cracked like has a hole its not a cavity but a big hole on the top and whenver i chew on that side food gets stuck in there so i have to suck it out using my mouth i d k how do it i just do haahaa and sometimes when i do it a tiny piece of that tooth also breaks off and looks like a tiny piece of glass but its my tooth.

if i go to the dentist will they fill it in(white filling to match) and make like it looks like a whole and it never did break/crack? i broke off in march and only now im asking cause im kind of worried




  1. Half of mine fell out and he put in a brand

    new molar. It's a year now and I have a

    small bump on the gum by the new molar.

    It's a gum infection.  He said a root canal

    may not fix it, I may have to have gum surgery

    (that is out of the question, I know people

    who had health problems after having gum

    surgery) or a bridge or just extraction and

    that's it.  I hope yours is easy.  Good Luck.

    Please check out all the possibilities. I'm going

    for a second opinion because sad to say,

    I can't trust all of them.  I wonder if I am

    being told the truth because my dental insurance is pretty good??

  2. Most dentists now repair broken teeth and fill cracks, holes, and drilled-out cavities with made-to-match whitish material. If your tooth can be saved this way, go for it.

    I lost one whole side of a molar with a huge filling a few years ago, and they were able to create a new side that feels and looks natural. (Not that it shows.)

  3. Yeah your dentist can fill it in and they try and get the white filling colour as close to your teeth as possible. The glass looking tooth that breaks of, is your tooth but has lost a lot enamel that's why it looks like glass.

  4. Dental fracture or breaking of a tooth can be a result of trauma to the tooth and or cavities. Large cavities.

    When was the last time you visited a dentist?

    Can you be sure it's not a result of a cavity that has weakened the enamel of the tooth? If so, it's quite a serious matter, which needs to be seen to by a dentist as soon as you can see one.

    A fracture of a tooth itself isn't the serious matter, but what can happen after the tooth's roots and pulp have been exposed. Any crack in the tooth, obviously can lead to a higher risk of infection from things such as bacteria on food!

    - If you feel ANY pain what so ever coming from the tooth, it's a very good indication that the tooth is infected. You need to see a dentist ASAP.

    - If the tooth 'fracture' or parts missing is large enough, you may loose the entire tooth. (especially if it's linked to a cavity. Cavities that cause tooth loss/breakage are usually quite advanced and require the tooth to be 'extracted').

    - Until you can see a dentist, try and avoid chewing on that side of the mouth. The less food items and so on that move over the area, the less chance of getting an infection in the tooth. Don't poke at it, don't try and wiggle the tooth, even if it feels loose- fractures in the tooth are not always visable to the eye, and you may loose more of the tooth if you put pressure on it. I know! I had that, (although mine was due to a large cavity in the tooth), despite not being able to see any 'cracks' or fracture lines in the tooth, it felt odd, and sharp (as smaller bits had broken off) and I tryed to 'test' it to see that it wouldn't break further. As foolish as it was, I paid for it- with half the tooth (the front of the entire molar) comming off, and dropping onto my tongue. Quite scary!!

    Signs to look out for if it gets infected: (VERY important)

    - Soreness in the tooth. Even if the pain is dull and lasts only seconds, or minutes at a time and 'goes away' after a while, this is the first warning sign of an infection. Don't hesitate in seeing a dentist.

    - Redness around the tooth in the gum.

    - Swelling of the gum around the tooth and possibly in the surrounding facial tissue (cheeks). If this happens this is a very serious issue. It needs IMMEDIATE treatment and quite often requires emergency extraction and a course of antibiotics.

    - Sore/enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. Any infection will generally enlarge the lymph nodes in the neck. If they're tender, the same thing goes. See your dentist!

    - - - - - - - - - -


    - Depending on the tooth 'white' fillings may not be possible in high 'chewing' areas.

    'white' fillings are 'ceramic' fillings which are usually used for 'front' teeth and teeth that are visable in the smile. Unfortunatley white fillings aren't usually strong enough for 'high chewing' areas, such as the molars. As molars are used for chewing on both sides, the dentist will prefer to use a 'silver' filling, which is a mercury and alloy filling.

    Being at the back, you'll hardly notice, unless you purposley pull your cheek aside and stare at it!

    They prefer to use these silver fillings as they're much stronger than the white fillings, and purposley designed for 'high chewing' areas. These fillings have very little chance of breaking, or comming out, and also contain flouride which helps prevent that tooth from gaining more cavities.

    It's best to ask your dentist about it, but generally white fillings aren't used in molars as they're not made for high chewing areas.

    Best of luck. I've have plenty of fillings done, including on the back molars (even my wisdom tooth which is perfectly in place at the back of my mouth!).

    Just make sure you go see a dentist! That's the best advice anyone here can offer you!

  5. I think you're going to find that it's a lot more than just "filling it in". If you chipped a tooth it takes more to restore it than just a filling. Sorry to say it sounds like it's done for. Should have seen your dentist within days of it happening.
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