
Molly tankmate?

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I have a 10 gallon tank with two mollies, a mother and daughter. What would be a good tankmate for them, other than more mollies? I'm not a big fan of tetras or guppies, so is there anything else that would be suitable? I also have anacharis in the tank, if it makes a difference.




  1. a great tank mate would be a a school of  Cherry Barb or a Rainbow fish.

  2. Get some electric yellows they grow to around the same size and look great i have some with my mollies.

  3. zebra danios, cory catfish, I had a sunburst platy with mine as well, most tropical fish are compatible, I would suggest looking in a fish book and just look through it and if you see one you like then you can look at its info page and see if it could work.

  4. Go to your favorite aquarium and ask to see which fish are community fish, and the ones that are community fish (meaning that they can coexist with other fish peacefully)  pick the one that you like the most. Personally, I would go with a Moor, or a fancy gold fish, because I like the moors bubbly eyes and some fancy goldfish are pretty cool.

    Good Luck!!!

  5. I would add a couple platys or dwarf gouramis. Don't put goldfish in with them. Goldfish are only compatable with goldfish.

  6. I would go with a cory's  for a bottow dweller. Many stay as small as 1 inch and paired up or in a school they are fun to watch.  I call them puppy dog fish because of their behaviour when i feed them :)

  7. you could get dwarf gouramis, african dwarf frogs, mickey mouse platies look cool, or some type of a loach
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