
Mom has colds?what can she do?

by  |  earlier

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The weather is constantly changing these days. Today, it's terribly hot and tomorrow it might rain again..,this is the reason why I have a cold now.It's horrific 'coz I'm breastfeeding my child. What can I do about it? I can't just take cold medicines right?..and it's not OK to breastfeed my child if I'm sick right? Help. Thanks in advance.




  1. When My son was born, I got the flu. and I still had too breast feed him, even how S****y I felt. Try drinking some tea, or suck on cough drops. And if you are coughing, you can take tylenol for your cough. Tylenol is a cough suppressor. The best thing is too breast feed your baby when you are sick. You are giving them your anti bodies, so they won't get sick. Does your town have a nurse line? If it does, give them a call, and ask them. Maybe they have more advice on what u can take. But there isn't much out there. Hope u feel better :)

  2. You can totally and in fact should very much continue to breastfeed your child!!!!!!!!!  You can take some cold medicine, like Tylenol, just make sure you only take the recommended dosage.  By continuing to breastfeed you're actually protecting him/her from possibly getting the cold as well.  Just make sure you wash your hands before handling the baby and try to get as much rest as possible (I know, hard w/ a baby, but if you've got help take advantage of it).  Oh, and drink as much liquid, preferably water, as you can.  Hope you feel better soon :)

  3. You can absolutely breastfeed if you are sick. It is actually BETTER that you do because your baby will get your antibodies and either won't get sick or it won't be as bad...

    here is a link of safe things natural and OTC meds that will help and are okay and safe to still breastfeed

    Get well soon!! ((HUGS))

  4. Yes, you CAN breastfeed if you are sick. In fact, your baby will get the antibodies that your body is producing to fight off the cold, reducing the chances that your baby will get the same cold from you. This is good - keep nursing through it.

    Also, you CAN take regular over the counter cold medicine (not Nyquil) or sudafed. Take it as directed on the package or even a bit less. You can also eat honey, which is a proven cough suppressant (don't give the baby honey, but you can have it). Keep in mind that anti-histamines may slow your milk production, so nurse more frequently in order to counter act that. Also, watch your baby for the same side-effects noted on the box that you'd watch for in yourself. The amount the baby gets is VERY diluted, but baby will still get some.

    Co-sleeping (baby in your bed) is not as safe if you are taking any medication, so you may need to alter your sleeping arrangements if you take any medicine.

  5. i would ask your doctor cause if you read the label it says don't breastfeed and take the meds too.. and it says to call your Doctor so that's what i wold do call them first.  

  6. well what i would do is get her some regular Lipton tea and a cough drop have her put the cough drop in her mouth and let her drink the tea with the cough drop in her mouth but don't let her swallow the cough drop. It'll help her if her voice is weak i do it everytime i sing or get sick.

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