
Mom make up help!!!!!!?

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Ok, well I am going into 7th grade and the only make up I am aloud to wear is lip gloss!!! I wear eye liner but not to school cause my MOM (grrr) won't let me!! I want to wear like eyeliner and a lil eyeshadow and maybe lik a light colored blush!! How do I get my mom to let me!? or how can i wear it so it looks good to show my mom!?




  1. Just ask your mom and see what she says and just tell her that you will show her that you wont go overboard. And don't wear to dark of makeup.

  2. i think that you should mabye see that your mom might not want you to wear makeup because she thinks you look pretty without any on! If you feel really annoyed then talk to her and get your point across to her without shouting at her. If your mom can see how mature you are about this then mabye she will start to let you wear make up to school.Dont overdo the make up when you show your mum because  then she will definelty say no.Prehaps if your mum doesnt wear much makeup herself then you could mabye have a girlie night in one evening and you could show her how to apply make and reassure her that you wont overdo your own make up.

  3. well, i'm going into seventh grade too, and i just showed her that i knew how to apply it well, and not go overboard. And once she aproved of the makeup i used everyday over the summer she agreed to let me.

    i bet SHE even wore makeup in seventh grade, so ask her why she's so against you wearing makeup! if that doesn't work show her all the people on answers who say its ok for you to wear makeup.

    i really hope this helps,


  4. You get your mom to let you by showing obedience to her rules. Once she sees that you are willing to go with the lip gloss only rule then she will most likely allow eye liner and so on.

  5. try putting on a really light color of eye shadow, only use the eye liner on your upper lid, and don't get out of hand with blush.  just a little.  use clear or a tinted color of gloss.  keep it real and natural and then show your mom and ask her if it's okay.  and don't ask her right before you are ready to walk out the door. ask her on the weekend when you aren't going anywhere.  if she sees that your can keep it natural looking then maybe she will allow it.  then maybe next year you can add some more color!

  6. for school don't wear so much makeup. go for natural colours and show your natural beauty. like for eyeshadow go for natural shades such as peach,light browns, not bright pinks or bright blues that is just too much. if you want to wear mascara wear either brown,clear or black. don't put so many coats of mascara on otherwise it all clogs up and looks terrible. bronzer is good to wear. it gives you a light tan, dont put so much on. i would advice you not to wear foundation. it clogs up your pores and gives you alot of spots.

    hope this helps:)  

  7. go to school. put on the makeup. after school. take it off. why do you wear makeup anyway? ur going into 7th grade. jesus christ ur like 12

  8. Say, "Mom, I want to start wearing a little bit makeup like a little bit of eyeliner, eyeshadow, and blush.  Is that all right with you?"  You can also put on a little bit and show your mom; try drawing a thin line of brown eyeliner on your lower lash line, putting one layer of neutral eyeshadow, and one layer of neutral blush.  [:

  9. Maybe try to buy some brown eyeliner and mascara,and then tell your moms that you want to wear it a little darker for the picture day, and school dances. you might want to think about the blush, because it is hard to apply without making yourself look like a clown. if you really want to get all made up for school, though, when applying the blush, smile in the mirror, then apply blush in a circular motion, on the apple of the cheek. try to not argue with your mom, and if she says its a no-go on any makeup, ITS A NO-GO ON ANY MAKEUP! don't sneak on  makeup at school, it's not that important to try an look good.

    P.S. Do a little preview for your mom on what you want to wear you r makeup  like, and be open for all of her suggestions.    

  10. Your Mom is correct.

    All you should be allowed to wear at your young age is lip gloss.

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