

by  |  earlier

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i need a way to make money because i have to pay half my phone bill if i get one!

**no get rich quick deals because im not going to try!

**no mowing lawns cleaning house or anything in the nature you would see if you seen another question like this because most of those are simple ideas that dont usually work

** i done a lemonade stand when i was12 and made $40 but im 14 im not a little kid but i cant legally get a job for another year!!

please send ideas that will actually help with out going door to door to strangers to ask if i could cut their grass!>lol< i think you get the picture!

and dont agravate me about my grammar or the structure of my scentences if i cared i would post a question on proper scentence structure!




  1. I earn money doing online surveys. It&#039;s free to join and I have never paid any of the programs that I do anything. I received the money by either check or paypal monthly or daily (depending on the program). Check the website on my profile page for information on the sites I earn money from. I suggest cashcrate (they send you a check in the mail) because they pay really nicely. The site also has pics of checks that I have received from the sites. I hope this helps you in earning some more money online. Good Luck.

  2. You should mow lawns or clean house. Maybe even a lemonade stand!

    Oh, by the way, your sentence structure SUCKS!!!!

    EDIT: I don&#039;t care how, if, why, or when you make money! You ask people for ideas and you just sound so angry and nasty! You not once said please or thank you. You ask people to take time out of their day to think for you, the least you can do is ask kindly and respect others. Especially if you want a little respect in return. You set all these rules and parameters for people that you don&#039;t even know. I may have been rude, but I think you are immature! I really don&#039;t care one bit about you or your bank account with your kind of attitude. And nobody is going to hire you with that kind of attitude either. You should attend anger management!!! LOL

  3. I make about $30-$50 a month just by filling out surveys online. Just make sure that you make another email account because they will send you alot of spam. You have nothing to lose is free to join and if you dont like it, you just cancel the account. this is the website

    http://cashcrate .com/681942

  4. hello - if you are interested in people spending time thinking about potential ideas for you to earn money, you should respect them enough to think about how you ask the question, and use proper grammar and sentence structure.

    personally if you made $40 doing a lemonade stand you may want to consider doing it again, regardless of your age, it obviously worked well, and this is the right time of the year for it.  have two flavors, add some cookies and you may sell more.  

    I agree with the person above who thinks your parents are trying to teach you the value of money.  I also agree that if you start to save now you will be way ahead of the rest later on, when it counts, cars, college etc.  phones are overrated and very expensive.  

    good luck.  and i suggest you worry about grammar in the future when asking people for help.  (or perhaps applying for college)

  5. You&#039;re smart not to waste time with online scams or surveys.  Even the legitimate sites simply can&#039;t provide you with a dependable stream of income.  

    If you&#039;re too young to get a legal job with a company, then your only resource is odd jobs around your neighborhood.  This can be just about anything that you don&#039;t mind doing that someone else doesn&#039;t feel like doing.  Think beyond mowing lawns or cleaning houses - what are hobbies you enjoy?  Organizing kitchen cabinets?  Putting photos in albums?  Decorating picture frames?  Sewing stuffed animals or decorating cute t-shirts?  Babysitting little kids or walking dogs?  What is it YOU do well?

    It&#039;s not very effective to just go door-to-door; it&#039;s much better to network.  Start by talking to your family, your friends, and the neighbors you know well.  Tell them  why you are trying to raise money, and your ideas for earning that money.  Also ask what sort of tasks they would be willing to pay for, and ask them to ask their friends if they need your help.  Then you have lots of people spreading the word for you!

    Finally dear, remember that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.  If it&#039;s important that you get people&#039;s help, it should be important enough for you to express your problem clearly.  People don&#039;t have any motivation to help you if you are going to be immediately critical and dismissive of their response.

  6. contact me for a few ideas.

  7. my sister has a great company if you dont mind getting 3 grand or highermonthly  this company saves you money by getting better service like your phone bill being less tv and internet it helps you make money too Donald Trump sponsers us hes became a billionare a couple of  times and he says this company is way better than real state so if your interested text me so i can answer your&#039;e questions also if your interested in getting a new phone he have free phones like the lg shine for free and much more also he have this video phone which you can see people you are taking to with internet axcess good luck

  8. Hey there,

    Your slight disadvantage is the fact that you&#039;re only 14, to make money online most of the time you need to invest something in the first place, i.e. buying domain names, etc, etc. What you could do if you&#039;re willing to spend to time is &quot;farm&quot; World of Warcraft gold, if you&#039;re any good with games you can make some cash from that, a level 70 character is worth like $270 or something along those lines, and gold can be sold for a bit too. You can research ways to do this online.

    There are a lot of other things you can do like this, its what we specialise in at as most of our viewers are students trying to make an extra buck. Have at some of the other solutions we have on there.

  9. Let me see if I get this straight...

    You have no money, but you are planning on getting phone?  Sounds like a recipe for financial disaster to me.

    Want to be rich?  Want to retire early?  Get into the habit right away of spending less then you earn.  The reason that you parents (I assume) are telling you that if you want a phone, you have to pay for half is to teach  you that things in life are not free, and that it takes a certain number of hours of work to afford things.

    If you really want my advice, learn to live without the phone.  Work and save your money.  In a few years, you will be able to buy a car, or put a down payment on your first house, while your friends (all with their cool new phones) will be laboring under crushing debt.

    But, back to your question.

    How to make money.  I would work.  Since you are obviously to young for a job, your prospects are limited to babysitting, yardwork, etc... but that is not the answer that you want to hear.

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