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my girlfriend doesn't like me to call her 'baby' and stuff.she says it's cuz she's not my child but it kinda bothers this weird that she doesn't like that?or is it weird that i like calling her that?also is there any way i can get her to let me call her that?or any other names i could call her?




  1. You should probably just call her by her real name. she seems bothered/annoyed when you call her baby.  

  2. Hi Sean, why are you trying to push an issue over something that clearly she does NOT like, when with a bit of common sense, you can avoid the problem.

    Imagine someone calling you her little boy, or my sugar dumpling, or any other name you don't like.

    Being in a relationship, one of the things that is required is respect for your partner, and by you disrespecting her, by calling her names she clearly does not like, then you are weakening the relationship, which is a good way to loss her.

    Use a bit of common sense, before she decides enough is enough,

    Mike t,

  3. Sounds like she does not like demeaning nicknames.  If she does not want to be called them don't.  Think about some names other people have called you that you did not like.  That is what it is like for her.  Use her name.  

  4. You should make up a unique nickname that's just for her! Think about stuff she likes to do, favorite color, embarrassing moments (or not:), etc. Then she won't feel like she's just another "baby" in a long list...

    Help me with mine?

  5. no its not wierd my boyfriend called me that to but i liked it. well maybe just talk to her and be like if you dont like baby thats fine but is there any nickname you might like? and maybe offer some others to her. i am a girl (obv.) and i think if my boyfriend said that to me i would be like wow thats respective that he said that to me instead of getting angry i dont like being called baby. so hope this works for you. good luck.

  6. dont even try calling her that again its ok if she didnot like it and u can call her sweety .

  7. man ok i think it is weird that she doesnt like pet names...

    i dont think it is weird that you wanna call her baby... its kinda a natural step... as long as you dont say it in a demeaning tone of voice or say it in a baby voice thats just annoying.... if you just say it in your normal attitude then there is nothing wrong with that

    just maybe explain to her that you are just showing your affection and you like doing it that way

    maybe say hi gorgeous, hi beautiful, hi darling, , heya cutie

    there are plenty of things that you can call her

  8. i get where shes coming from, baby is a parents kid and she doesnt feel like ur her parent.  maybe something like being able to say hey beautiful or something like that, compliment her when u give her a nickname.  i dont know anything specific, and i dont think u can make her change her mind.  neither of u are weird for liking or not liking that.
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