
Morning Routine(during school)!?!?!?

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i would like to know for both girls, and guys, a detailed description of your morning with times and from step to step directions of what you do in the morning on a normal school day...oh and for girls, what brands of makeup do you use???THANKS!!!!!




  1. At night I put curlers in my hair. So in the morning I do this-

    Wake up

    Take curlers out of hair

    Put on makeup (Clinique... foundation, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush, lipgloss)

    Eat breakfast

    Get dressed


    (Can you pick me for best answer? I need the points, haha)

  2. fiirst, my mom starts waking me up at 6:45. i get up and sit on the couch for like, 15 minutes untill 7 and at 7, i get up and get my breakfast. i usually have a waffle and white cran strawberry juice. then, i eat untill 7:30. i get up, go to the bathroom and then go to my room to get dressed. (i wont be too detailed about that.) then, i go brush my teeth-i have braces so it takes a while- and then i do my proactive face wash. after that, i put on my make-up. i use marykay makeup.  i put on compact, do my liner, mascara, blush. then, i do my hair. (it depends on the weather outside and my outfit) i usually straighten it or curl it or put it up. then, i go make my lunch. i put in a tiny water boddle wraped in a napkin-so it doesnt sweat- then my sandwich which is always deli sliced lemon pepper chicken with honey dijon mustard. and, sometimes i put pickles on it. then i put my dole peaches in the little fruit cup thingis and then i either pack oreo cakesters or sour cream and chedder lays. then, i get my stuff and my backpack together and we leave at around, 8:30 to 8:45. my school starts at 8:50.

    and thats my daily school schedule. ; )

  3. Well I'm out of school I'm 19 I'm in Paris here is my routine lol. Get up have breakfast brush my teeth get dressed and made up , leave my hotel and go to my shoot. after shoot have lunch with my boyfriend and or go back to my hotel.

  4. what an interesting question, star for you=]

    i wake up at 7:07 AM.

    i get out of at by 7:15

    i go pee.

    i go back to my room and put my makeup on, i use:

    Jergens natural glow daily moisturizer,

    Great Lash blackest BLACK mascara with the curved brush,

    RevlonAge defying foundation with SPF 20 in it[im not getting old it was just on]

    Wet slicks coverall concealer stick,

    Cover Girl sparkly black eye shaddow,

    NYC liquid eye liner.

    (occassionly)Bed Head fat fun! blue smudgie.

    first i spread the jergens natural glow all over my face and neck, then apply the foundation mainly to nose and a little on each cheek, and a little on the forehead, i then curl my eye lashes and then apply the mascara to the top lashes[several coats] and two coats to the bottom lashes, i then take the CG black eye shadow and use the skinny end of the brush to apply a light line to my eye lids with a little tail at the end, and then apply a even small line with the NYC liquid eye liner. when im done i apply the concealer stick to under my eyes, and a little on my nose, then im done=]

    depending on how i do my hair:


    i have slept with my hair in a bun the night before and i take the bun out, i get my hair spray and spray my hair all around, then i cruch the curls with my hands a little and, voila! messy curls


    i plug in the crimper, letit heat up, then i crimp my hair, then i spray it with hairspray, simple as that.


    i jsut sleep  with my hair down and when i wake up my hair is very straight.


    i put my hair up and then crimp bits and pieces of it to give it some volume, then i crimp my bangs and add a folded up bandana, then hair spray.

    then, after all this, i get dressed, go brush my teeth, make and eat my breakfast while making my lunch, then i leave with my mom to school at 8 ish[she works at my school se we have to be there early] and then i chill with my friends untill 8:40=]

    hope you enjoyed!


  5. 6:45 Wake up

    6:50 Wash face, put in contacts, get dressed

    7:00 Eat Breakfast

    7:10 Brush teeth and put on makeup (Revlon Colorstay Blemish concealer, BareMinerals SPF 15 Foundation, Estee Lauder blush, Loreal, Rimmel, Nars, or Dior eyeshadow, Maybelline or Lancome eyeliner sometimes, Maybelline or Dior mascara, lip gloss)

    7:30 Hang out, check homework, watch TV for a while, go on computer, whatever

    7:50 leave for school

    p.s. I take a shower at night so I have more time in the morning. I like having about 20 minutes of free time in the morning.

  6. Wake up: 5:30

    Put make up on (lash blast or blash mascara (best ever!) and maybelline eyeliner)

    Make Breakfast- usaully pancakes

    Brush my teeth

    Go to my bus stop: 7:00

    & in between all that I get my school stuff ready but I usaully pick out outfits and get ready @ night

    O ya and I am a girl (obviously ha)

  7. breakfast

    brush teeth


    get dressed


    make up

    get school stuff


    i use make up from avon or maybelline

    hope this helped

    have a great day

  8. 6:00- wake up

    6:10- get out of bed (lol)

    6:10- brush my teeth, wash my face

    6:15- eat breakfast (i live on eggo waffles and coffee)

    6:30- shower, do my hair

    7:10- grab an outfit, put on make up, put on my shoes

    7:15- leave for school

    i use bath and body works for eyeliner and mascara, almay for eye shadow, stuff from sephora for bronzer and foundation.

  9. Wake up.

    Lay in bed for 30 minutes until I have to get up.

    Get up.

    Get breakfast.

    Eat breakfast.

    Wait for my clothes to be ironed.

    Put my clothes on.

    Put gel in my hair.

    Brush my teeth.

    Head off for school.

    Attend classes.

    Nutrition (recess).

    More classes.

    3 minutes of lunch.

    That's my morning during school.

  10. Wake-up. This morning was 6:15, but usually 6:45. I needed extra time to clean my room. But anyway, wake up at 6:45. Take a shower and get changed. 7:00. Dry hair. 7:05. Eat breakfast. 7:15. Put on make-up and fix hair. 7:20. Do last minute stuff like pack bags, pick up room, etc., etc. Getting dressed can take longer if I didn't make my outfit the night before. Because I'm crazy indecisive.

    My hair takes no time to dry because it's very fine and I have a super short pixie cut. The most make up I usually do is mascara and chap stick. I just feel so unnatural with foundation and c**p. If it's not going to be a humid day, I wear moisterizer. My make-up is good skin from Kohl's, I think. I got it for Christomas, so I don't know. I use Neutragena moisterizer. I'm pretty quick and the morning, but still look good. I just take easy shortcuts like having short hair that doesn't take long to dry or needs straightening, and I go pretty easy on the make-up. It's high school, anyway. Not a job interview. Keep it simple, clean, and natural. Plus putting my outfit together the night before and having my stuff already packed is super helpful.

  11. I'm trying to plan ahead and I've made a routine for the first day of school

    7:00 am wake up, brush teeth, turn on coffee maker

    7:05 am Shower clean and clear morning burst &body wash to wake up, get dressed (I shower washing my hair and all that the night before)

    7:10 am Get out of shower dove baby powder deodorant

    7:20 am Breakfast and coffee

    7:30 am Quiet time lol computer, sit there and stare into space w/e I hate mornings I need my time to sit there undisturbed avoiding most human interaction before I start my day, msn is even to much for me

    8:35 am Brush teeth, pack bag

    8:40 am Walk to School

    9:00 am School

    The first day I go at 9 for tag the others for the first term I can go later earlier or not at all for volunteer credits.

  12. mm... actually i go to a foundation college.... but h**l... there's nothing different...

    6.45 : wake up

    7.00 : have breakfast

    7.10 : make my bed, open up the windows, turn on the heater in the bathroom (it's winter)

    7.20 : brush my teeth while waiting for the water to get warmer

    7.22 : take a shower

    7.30 : put on my contact lens - use hair tonic

    7.35 : put on body lotion

    7.37 : put on sunscreen (i use Clinique Daily Face Protector)

    7.38 : dry my hair

    7.55 : put on moisturizer (i use Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion)

    7.56 : put on my clothes (just the upper)

    7.57 : time for some make-up

    concealer (Maybelline Dream Mousse Concealer)

    face powder (Maybelline Dream Matte Powder)

    blush (Bloom Blush Powder)

    eye base (Bloom Eye Base)

    eyeshadow (just basic and natural color)

    eyeliner (Bloom Eye Definer)

    mascara (The Body Shop Waterproof Mascara)

    lip gloss (Bloom Lip Gloss)

    8.05 : prepare my bag

    8.10 : time to gooooo....

  13. get up


    dry off

    get dressed


    get school stuff


  14. 6:45 wake up

    -brush teeth and do hair/makeup...not much generally just straighten out the waves from sleeping on it, and putting on mascara.

    -get dressed (EW unniform :[ )

    -get stuff together

    7:15 go out to wait for bus.

    no breakfast cause my lunch period is at 10:30.

    haha, Im not too complicated [:

  15. this year i have to wake up around around 5:45ish :P

    -ok so i hear my alarm clock ring, and usually that doesn't work so my mom wakes me up like 10 minutes later. lol

    -i get up and i go eat breakfast, if i feel like it :P.

    -i go brush my teeth, put on deodorant

    -go back in my room, get dressed

    -do my hair and make up

    -i use pencil eyeliner and sometimes powder cover-up and lip gloss. -then i go get my backpack and like run out the door because i'm usually late. lol

  16. uhm, okay, but why....anyway..

    7:10- wake up&get into shower.

    after shower, i get dryed off&get dressed,

    brush my teeth, then i dry my hair, straighten it,

    make my lunch, pack my bag,

    do my makeup. (colossal mascara, annabelle foundation, bonnebel eyeliner,black, lip balm)

    8:10- leave for school.

  17. get dressed

    apply make-up

    eat breakfast

    brush teeth

    do hair

    get shoes on

    leave the house


  18. i wake up @ 6 and i go brush my teeth and wash my face

    i take a shower the night before

    and then i put on deo and perfume then

    i use my eyelash curler

    then i but on eyeliner

    [expert wear by maybelline] bottom and right below the lash line

    the i take [lash blast mascara maybelline] and put

    it on in a slightly zig zag formation

    then i get dressed

    and do my hair

    and my dad has breakfast for me

    then i but everything in my bag the night before

    then this year im going to high school and its a block away

    so me and my friend around the corner are going to wallk to school

  19. Okay :] I wake up! shower night before (blowdry straighten) then in the morning i might hop into the shower with my shower cap..depending on how my mood is.. get changed into my already laid out clothes from the night before!  make my bed feed the guinea pig and put on my mascara..its maybelline :] go downstairs and maybe eat breakfast. im a very mood person everything depends on how im feeling :] then i lag around the house until i leave..

  20. 5:50- Wake up

    5:50-6:00- Pick out my clothes

    6:00-6:15- Brush my teeth

    6:15-6:30- Breakfast

    6:30- 6:50- Take a shower

    6:50-7:00- Get dressed

    7:00-7:10- Do my hair. [ Usually has it blow dried )

    7:00: Leave to school

    [ I usually have to leave to school before my little sister wakes

    up and wants to come with me to school. xD )

    P.s. I don't use makeup.

  21. hmm

    6-6:05 wake up

    6:10-6:30 brush my teeth/shower

    6:30-6:35 put on an outfit, take it off, put on a different outfit, take it off etc.

    6:35-7 straighten/curl/scrunch/braid my hair and do my makeup and put on jewelry

    put on foundation. i dont use concealer because my skin tone is veryy even. eye makeup (mac) touch of clear gloss and i'm done.

    7-7:15 i usually grab a piece of toast or something for breakfast/pack my lunch and leave the house for school.

  22. breakfast


    get dressed

    brush teeth

    wash face


    makeup (dior, smashbox, maybeline, clinique)

    blow dry hair

    run out the door!

  23. i take a shower the night beforee!

    5:00 - mom wakes me up.

    5:15- i actually get out of bed. lol.

    5:20-5:30- breakfast. i like apple cinnamon cheerios. [lol.]

    5:30-5:50ish - get dressed. put on deodorant. put on jewlery. do hair. do makeup. [pencil eyeliner first, then mascara, then foundation, then blush.]

    6:00 - brush teeth. look in the mirror about 5000000 times.

    my bus comes at 6:33 this year. normally i'm not on time with everything, so i'm usually rushing out the door at 6:30. lol.

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