
Mosquitos in Puerto Plata?

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I'm still working on booking my trip to Puerto Plata, DR. My boss told me that area is plagued with mosquitos in late August/ early September, which is when we want to go. Is there truth behind what she's saying?




  1. everywhere has mosquitos that time of year.

    just get good bug repellent and get a vaccine against mosquito borne illnesses

    i tried using dryer sheets once and it worked as a repellent

    good luck

  2. Just as with any geographical area that is moist, humid, and subject to a rainy season, as is the case in the Dominican Republic, mosquitoes will be a factor. However, you can do things to lower your chances of being bit (i.e., use mosquito repellent).

    The following is from

    ...From what I understand, DEET has proven to be the most effective mosquito repellent. DEET is pretty crazy stuff though, so if you’d like to try less harsh solutions, there are plenty of tips below for you to give a shot.

    Something to keep in mind: Since some people seem to be a mosquito magnet while others around them don’t get a single bite, I have the suspicion that there could be a personal body chemistry factor involved. And that could explain why a remedy that works for one person, may not work for another.

    I suspect that’s why some people swear by the Bounce sheet method, or the Avon Skin So Soft solution, while others have a different experience. Bounce nor the Avon SSS did a thing for me btw, but I did include them in the list below. I know a few people who SWEAR by them.

    Basics for Mosquito Bite Prevention:

        * Wear light colored clothing, mosquitoes are attracted to dark clothes

        * Keep your body covered as much as possible (including wearing a hat), although mosquitoes can find their way through the fabric–it does cut down on bites

    Mosquito Bite Prevention Home Remedies & Tips

    Vanilla Extract: A few different recommendations for this one, each contradicting the other. Some say to dab Vanilla Extract on your pulse points, others say to rub it all over your skin & dab your clothes. Some say the cheap stuff is what you have to use, others say the real, pure Vanilla is the only thing that will work. Some say to apply it full strength, others say you can dilute it with water and spray it on. Play around with Vanilla to see what gives you best results–there are plenty of believers for this one as a mosquito deterrent so I think there’s something to it.

    Garlic: This isn’t a favorite thing to do day-to-day, but if you’re going camping or hiking through heavily mosquito infested areas, try a garlic powder and water paste. Apply to pulse points, behind knees, on shoes and ankles and a dab or two on your cheeks or somewhere on your face and kneck. Remember–keep out of eyes. And maybe stay out of public places too ;).

    Essential Oils: Mix choice of essential oils with rubbing alcohol, or witch hazel, or distilled water and spritz on body or directly on cloth to rub on body (shake before each use). Or add a few drops in baby oil or olive oil then rub on skin. You can also apply drops along a strip of fabric (cotton) and tie around wrist. *Make sure to avoid mouth and eye areas when using essential oils.

        * Citronella oil

        * Lavender oil

        * Catnip oil

        * Eucalyptus oil

        * Pennyroyal oil

          *Seems to be strongly recommended

        * Tansy oil

          *Seems to be strongly recommended

        * Basil oil

        * Thyme oil

        * Cedar oil

        * Tea Tree oil

        * Peppermint oil

        * Lemongrass oil


    Items to Eat (daily): Apparently the smell that comes out of your pores from a steady diet of the below deters mosquitoes. The items aren’t meant to be combined, they’re just different suggestions.

        * Garlic

        * B1 Vitamins

        * Brewers Yeast

        * Lemons

    As others have mentioned here, don't let being bit by a mosquito stop you from having a nice vacation in the D.R. If I would have listened to people many years ago, I would have never came here. I've been calling the D.R. my home away from home for 5 years now and I was born and raised in NYC.

    By the way, Puerto Plata is located in the northern coast of the D.R. and Punta Cana is located to the south... way south.

    Enjoy your stay.

    ¡Viva la República Dominicana!

    Henry J. Vera

    H.J. Vera & Co.

    Real Estate & Investments

  3. Malaria in the Dominican Republic

    Updated: January 26, 2007

    The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has recently been notified of two cases of malaria in Canadian travellers returning from the Dominican Republic. Additionally, a single case has also been recently reported in a US traveler. PHAC reminds travellers that antimalarial medication and the use of personal protective measures against mosquito bites are recommended for travel to resort areas within the province of La Altagracia [Map] as well as all rural areas of the Dominican Republic. Please refer to the recommendations section of this advisory for additional information.

    The Canadian travellers became infected with malaria (Plasmodium falciparum) between December 15 and December 23, 2006 during their week long vacation to Punta Cana, a resort area located in the province of La Altagracia. The travellers did not take antimalarial medication and did not protect themselves against mosquito bites.

    The Agency is collaborating with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Pan American Health Organization to monitor for and report any additional cases of malaria in travellers returning from the Dominican Republic.

    P. falciparum malaria is known to be endemic (i.e., constantly occurring) in rural areas of the Dominican Republic, with the highest risk of transmission occurring in areas bordering Haiti. Although resort areas in the Dominican Republic are generally not risk areas, small localized outbreaks have occurred in recent years in and around resorts in the province of La Altagracia.

    Malaria is an acute flu-like illness caused by one of four species of parasite of the genus Plasmodium; Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium malariae.  Infection with P. falciparum malaria can be fatal.

    The disease is most commonly transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito, specifically the female Anopheles mosquito, a dusk-to-dawn biter.    

    Malaria is also endemic (i.e., constantly present) in most of sub-Saharan Africa; in large areas of the Middle East, South Asia, South East Asia, Oceania, Haiti, Central and South America; and in parts of Mexico, North Africa and the Dominican Republic.

    For comprehensive information, please refer to the Public Health Agency of Canada's Disease Information Backgrounder on malaria.


    In light of the evidence of ongoing malaria transmission in and around tourist resort areas within the province of La Altagracia, the Public Health Agency of Canada continues to recommend malaria prophylaxis (medication) and the use of personal protective measures (e.g., repellants) against mosquito bites for travel to resort areas within the province of La Altagracia as well as all rural areas of the Dominican Republic. The tourist resort destinations of Punta Cana and Bavaro are located within the province of La Altagracia.

  4. yes it is. I as their in march and they were bad and apparently they get worse in the summer. Done let it stop you from having fun . Get the shots required to travel and bring repellent . Where are you going in puerto plata?

  5. yea every where u go in Dominican Republic theres mosquitoes

  6. Here there a not much mosquitos ( I live in Puerto Plata) because of the ocean breezes.


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