
Most hurtful piercings?

by  |  earlier

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ok i really want some piercings on my nose, and lip, but im scared it'll hurt like a living h**l, so for those of you have have piercing everywhere... where did it hurt more?




  1. go to tattoo shop ...not somewhere like Claire's , it all depends on where you want the nose piercing , just the notarial it didn't hurt me at all , my friend got the very top of her nose it hurt more , a lip piercing is the same as a nose one as for where it hurts the most down south, you feel it for a second anyway then it's done and over with , or,just get wasted and get a friend to take you than you won't feel anything:P

  2. i would go for the nose piercing i had mine done it hurt for a second and it was  over just like ear piercing, i have also had my tongue done it hurt like h**l although i have heard the nipples can be the worst

  3. nose, tongue, tregus (ear) and navel.  None really hurt more than the other, there all a little painful at first.  Tregus and nose are easiest to get use to, cuz tongue and navel are placed in sensitive areas.  I had my navel peirced 4 times and piercing thru scar tissue is extremly painful.  Tongue is the worst afterward because you have to teach youself to talk, swallow, eat, drink again.  

  4. Didn't even feel my septum.  Lips are like when you bite the inside of your mouth when chewing.  Nipples were the worst, but nothing unbearable.

  5. In the "private parts!"

  6. I have my nose done.  It did hurt.  However, a friend of mine got hers done at the same time, and hers didn't.  I think its a personal thing.

    Belly button and tongue are both pretty painful as well.  For me, my belly button was the worst.

    I imagine the lip hurts the most!  

    Good luck!!

  7. I have my naval, lip, 8 ear lobe, and 2 cartilidge. One of my cartilidge hurt the most. it wasn't even painful though, more like a burning sensation. I'm getting between 4 and 5 more piercings that I can think of. (2 more naval (to make a triangle), tongue, possibly nose, tragus. Piercings are so worth whatever pain they cause.

  8. its between the tongue and the septum

    from my expirience tongue is way more painful

    ur piercing a needle through a 1 inch muscle

    and its seronded by sharp piontey teeth that always seem to bite ur tongue and then u cant eat anything solid for at least 2 weeks or more

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