
Mothers intuition or just hormones?

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im 25w3d. ive been having alot of braxton hicks and my dr said that it was not normal so she checked me out and everything is still closed...but she wants me to come back in a week. i don't know why but ive been feeling rushed, and i still have 3 months to go but i feel like its going to happen much sooner than that. anyone else get those feelings?




  1. Good question.  I don't know what to tell you, but my braxton hicks are out of control too.  Every time I get up to walk or stand I get one.  (i'm 29 weeks now)  I just feel like the baby could come sooner than the due date.  

  2. i believe in intuition.

    During the beginning of my pregnancy i was still having periods and my levels were to low for a home pregnancy test to detect but somehow i just knew i was pregnant.

    and soon after i started getting a gut feeling it was a boy and at 21 weeks they were able to determine the s*x, and were having a boy haha

    and now im having a gut feeling that this little boy is going nowhere soon and that i will have to be induced.

    So it wouldn't suprise me if your baby comes early. Sometimes moms just know :)

  3. if you are not having more than 6 in a hr it IS normal. I have those feelings all the time. i'm 24w 5d and I feel like there is no way i'm going to make it until december.  

  4. I'm 32 weeks, which is closer to the finish line then you are but I have been having a lot of braxton hicks, too. Baby has dropped, her head is down, and everything seems to be ready. I have this little intuition I won't have to wait until october to meet her ;)

    But then again, I could be wrong... It's my first.

    I hope for the both of us they don't come in too early tho. Full term, at the least :)

    Good luck xx

  5. I've been having those feelings lately but I'm 35 weeks so I"m not too worried if I do go into labor.

    I really think most women get that feeling.

  6. I have those feelings too - I was just at the doctor's today because I was having tons of contractions (I spent a night at L&D because of it on Saturday) and he checked my cervix and it is fine.

    However, I keep fearing the contractions will lead to a problem even though I've been having them for about 5 weeks and every doctor says no.

    Personally, in me I think those feelings are my extreme anxiety about this pregnancy. I thought I was going to have a miscarriage, then the baby was going to have spina bifida or something awful on the ultrasound, then I thought I would have incompetent cervix and now I think pre-term labor. I really feel in my case I need to relax and believe the doctors.

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