
Mothers please help me?

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I need help with teaching my daughter about s*x and masturbation and i dont know how to start i just feel like i need to teach her this stuff she is almost 14 and i feel that if i dont take responsibilty for this she could end up pregnant




  1. lol and thats wat s*x ed is for....

    no seriously good job mom most parents now a days do just leave it for s*x-ed

    u should just talk about STD and pregnancy she aready knws what s*x is and masturbation so u dont have to explain that just explain about teen pregnancy and how condoms arent always effective and all that.

  2. well just sit her down and ask her what she thinks of all the teen pregnancy, and ask her point blank if she's had s*x. See we pretty much learn everything in school so the whole parental isn't as "big" as it used to be. So just tell her to be safe if she decides to have it.

    Also I don't think masturbation needs to be a subject thats just really awkward and they;re isn't really anything to teach.

  3. Reality is, most kids 10-12 know what s*x and masturbation is. You just gotta suck it up and talk to her about it, chances are you may be more uncomfortable talking about it then she is. Just find out what she already knows, and correct her and tell her the rest- don't leave anything out. The more educated she is, the safer. Good luck!

  4. first of all if your daughter is a rebel then dont tell her when she is in trouble if you tell her not to do it she probably will i know im 17 years old with a two year old daughter  but it is a topic that needs to discuss if it may become an issue later but also if later on she becomes pregnant dont judge my mom did and i took my child and left my mom and i havent talked in two years im still in highschool im a certified nurse assistant i graduate this next year and im already excepted into med school

  5. Go to her and ask what she already know then correct her if shes wrong and fill her in on what she doesnt.

    Im not a mom but this is what my mom did :)

  6. trust me...if she doesnt know about masterbation already..shes in the dark, just be honest and let her know you are an adult and there is no shame in asking questions., dont be awkward she'll sense you are afraid

  7. Please check out the sites below. My mother didnt talk to me about it. I just made sure that i was informed. I rented books from the library about it such as seventeen magazines book. It had a bunch of questions and answers about s*x, menstration etc.. With this day and age i would assume that your daughter already knows about it however it is still best to talk to her about it and i commend you for taking the big step forward.

    I am 24, yes young and my bf and I took in his 13 year old sister about 3 years ago. We took her in because her mother kept moving and getting kicked out of places. We had her for 2 years, once her mother get on her feet we sent her back to her mother but first we took her to planned parenthood and got her on birth control since she started her period and starting really talking about boys, she told us that she didnt want to be on it and that she wasnt having s*x. So i told her that i wanted it on it so that it regulated her period and made it less painful, and lighter no matter if shes having s*x or not and that i was glad to hear that she wasnt. Planned parenthood has a program called teen time and will do and exam, give  a preg test and birth control to girls 13-18 for free without parents consent so that they dont have to feel the parental pressure... they also give couseling.  6months later she ended up pregnant, she couldnt call me or the clinic and tell them that her pills made her sick so she didnt take them. :) At least i tried.

  8. Sit her down, have a relaxed conversation before and then just start in slowly don't be scared because she will be able to tell (remember she is your daughter) and ask her what she knows about s*x, and I know it's hard but also ask her if she has had s*x, I know this might break your heart but it should be asked. let her explain what s*x is, and then the places she is wrong correct her. And when my mom had THE TALK with me, she explained her first time, and then a bad time, to show me what s*x should be, I know that will be awkward but I know now what s*x should be like.

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