
Motives to....?

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What compels people to reveal things about themselves and ask questions that they would never in a million years ask their mom or friend or close one to complete strangers of which you don't even know the real name of on the internet? No sarcasm because you sarcastic people have probably done this yourself. Actual informed answers only, thank you! (educated guesses are allowed)




  1. hope that a kind stranger will give them a good answer

  2. Sometimes for me I will reveal something for entertainment purposes. I know that is bad but sometimes I just get bored and think what the heck who cares.

  3. It is easy to open up to a stranger because you don't have to worry about what the stranger will think. A strangers opinions and thoughts mean very little to nothing to you. So with that in mind it is easier to bring up all sort of interesting subjects with a stranger. On the other hand most people value the opinions and thoughts of their friends and family. So in those cases they'll be hesistant to say or do anything that make change the way their family or friends think about them.

  4. The idea of sharing or revealing information to strangers may simply be a way to measure the things going on in your life. It is also a way to find new ways or new answers to things which bother or intrigue a person.

    If a person is worried abut modesty or sharing - they definitely should not go into forums.

    A person usually has a pretty good idea how a relative or friend is going to  respond - which may not always be the best suited answer.

    Personally, I enjoy everyone's opinions especially from people of other cultures.
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