
Motogp Tyre's.?

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It is looking like the Fiat Yamahas will be on Bridgstones for 2008. But I hope that Michelin pull there finger out and start making decent rubber again.

I hope to see Rossi at least on Bridgestones for 2008. It would appear that the French have rested on there winning ways for far too long now.

I wounder [ after seeing the sucsess Bridgestone has had ] how long it will be before Pirelli move up into "real" bike racing.

I remember seeing the great KR SNR using Goodyear tyres. Lets get them back into it aswell.

Avon used to make fantastic racing tyres going back to the late 70's early 80's. Let have them back!

What are your thoughts on tyres?




  1. Honestly, I know pretty much nothing about tyres!

    But I do feel a bit disappointed that Yamaha may take the Brigestone tyres. Michelin have some good wet tyres for example and sometimes they are better tnah Brigestone. I kind of hoped they to start working properly before the end of the season but I guess this won't be the case.

    I think the tyres are not the only problem with the yamaha bike. It's true that they play a huge role but we have to admit it that the bike sometimes is not going well. I'm sure that the team will start doing some tests and will do everything to make their bike perfectfor the next season because they will want to keep Rossi and Lorenzo in the team.

    As for Michelin, I hope they start working on their rubber because we all know that they are good, they just have to start showing it.

  2. I think the tyre issue has kinda spoilt the season a bit. People are using it as an excuse as to why they aren't performing as they should. But there's a lot more to it than that.

    One of Rossi's strong points is his ability to ride through the problems caused by worn tyre's. But he hasn't shown that this season. It makes you wonder just how much of an advantage he's had in the past with the "Saturday night specials" he had for race day.

    Michelin certainly need to up their game, but I'm still not convinced that it has influenced results as much as some are saying. I think that even if the tyre rules were the same as last year, you would still see Casey at the front. Maybe by not as big a margin, but still a significant lead! He's just oozing confidence at the moment.

    I think the only way you're gonna stop the tyre excuses and arguments, is to make it a one make control tyre (a la WSBK & F1) championship. But I wouldn't like to see this as I believe the teams should have free rein to perfect the entire package, ie rider, machine and tyres! These are prototypes after all!

    Ironically, even if they don't decide to run a control tyre, it may go to one make anyway. Michelin have said they will pull out at the end of 2007 if the factory Honda and Yamaha teams drop them (a distinct possibility). And with Tech 3 Yamaha seeming likely to switch from Dunlop, that will leave just Bridgestone.

    Actually, I've just had a thought. Dunlop are the main sponsors of the Tech 3 team. So now Tech 3 will need to find a new sponsor, and Dunlop will need to find a team.

    Dunlop could now sponsor the Ilmore team, killing two birds with one stone. Giving Ilmore a big enough budget to race, and allowing Dunlop to develop its tyres......There's a thought!

  3. Hey Wiggy

    Like A.nik I don't know that much about tyres (I did put a new one on my treader this week though - ready for rainy season - LOL) so would have to agree with Neil on this one.

    It's going to make for some tense times (sponsor wise) and the Dorna guys are in for some late nights at the office in the months to come I bet!

    I don't think they will go to control tyres though there may have to be another re-think of what is an acceptable amount to start the weekend with.

    Interesting times eh?
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