
Motorcycle track days?

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how much riding experence should someone have before taking a novice level track day. And what should they expect to gain from it?




  1. I think you should be able to at the very least be able to operate your bike w/o having to think about it. What I mean by that is when you want to slow down you don't have to think about how that takes place your body simply does all those things automatically, such as using the brakes downshifting. True noobs have to think of many things just to operate. You're way to new if you have to think to ride your bike.

    Every noob I've taken to a track day has come back with way better canyon riding skills, they are alot more confident.

  2. It depends on the person, but you want to have at least a smooth riding style that is pretty quick to start of with.

    The is no rule of thumb saying you must have X amount of years, but a couple might be helpful.

    What I can bet you is, if you listern to what the instructors tell you, and show you, just after 1 track day, you will be a better rider back on the road.

  3. In a nutshell, well enough that you are not a risk to anyone else on the track. It doesn't matter how fast you are, just that you do not become an obstacle for the other riders.

  4. Track day meaning what? If your meaning going to a local track, it all depends on the track. Some tracks are always busy due to only being open on weekends, as to others are desolate because they are open every day of the week.

    With my experience of going to tracks for many years, I would go to a track that has low traffic to see how you like it, and to see how comfortable you are with it. Track riding is COMPLETELY different from desert or trail riding. But definately try it!
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