
Movement and Eating?

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Ive noticed that after I eat a decent sized meal that the baby tends to be more active.Has anyone noticed this either and why does it happen?




  1. Because when you eat, you get a blast of sugar and nutrients into your blood, it crosses the placenta to the baby, and baby receives the sugar and nutrients and gets a boost of energy. And many people, after they eat, rest or not be moving around as much for awhile and will be more apt to notice movement.  

    That's why when baby has a quiet day and your doc wants to make sure baby is ok, they usually recommend you drink something sugary, lie down and the baby will usually feel more active.

  2. Yep!! No matter what I eat my little tasmanian devil starts doing here thing inside my belly. Thank God I only have a couple of weeks left. Or less I hope!!

  3. Yeah I noticed it too! Must be because when we fill our stomachs it takes up babies valuable room in there or puts pressure on the uterus and therefore them too lol :)

    EDIT: Jill, even though I knew about sugary drinks to get baby moving, It didn't even cross my mind about meals doing the same, good point :)
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