
Movie mistakes and bloopers?

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I have noticed while watching the movie Speed that you can see a camera man in one part behind the bus seat. Has anyone else found bloopers or mistakes in movies like this? thought it might be a good laugh to see what others have found.




  1. Extra beep of elevator passing a floor.

    In one of the quick scenes of the elevator falling, you see that there's no one in the elevator, through a hole in the floor. However, in the next shot the elevator is overcrowded with people again.

    The windshield on Tunemans' car is wet when it shows him upclose. However it was a sunny day and he had not hit the yellow barrels of water on the freeway. He doesn't hit them until a few scenes later.

    When the elderly woman refuses to be helped out of the elevator that is about to drop twenty floors, the floor outside the elevator can be seen through a hole in the bottom left hand corner of the elevator, revealing the fact that it is only one or, at most, two floors up.

    After the elevator starts from floor 46, we see it from below; the motion of its counterweight, in the foreground, lets us easily see that the speed is somewhat more than one floor per second. The next shot is inside the elevator, where the floor indicator is changing at about half that rate, slower than one floor per second.

    As Jack and Harry rush onto the roof, a third arm and gun are briefly visible to the right. This is the arm of a third SWAT team member who has otherwise been completely deleted from the scene and who, as far as the viewer is concerned, isn't there.

    The elevator is at or below floor 41 when the first bomb explodes. In a view from above, we see it fall about 12 floors, without sparks. We then see the emergency brakes engage, with lots of sparks. But then an interior shot then shows the elevator passing 35, and indeed, after sliding past several more floors it stops between 29 and 30.

    Elevators' emergency brakes must engage faster than that, otherwise they would be useless if the car fell when nearer the base of the shaft.

    When the passengers are being rescued as the crane that pulls off the roof is wedged near the top of the elevator shaft, the elevator is at floor 23. The roof access is at 53, so there are about 30 floors of cable extended from the crane. But when crane and elevator fall together, as seen inside the elevator shaft, they are only about 15 floors apart, and the cable is only a little bit slack.

    Before Jack and Harry get to Payne's elevator, it's at floor 20. But just Payne keys in 46 as his next destination, his indicator shows 28.

    Payne picks 46 because, as we see, it's the top floor and Jack will have to get off the roof or be crushed. But a little later, we see from a label on the elevator monitor board that the other police are watching that this elevator's top floor is 52.

    The chain pulling the first exploding bus is clearly visible.

    When the bus is driving by itself heading towards the plane at the airport, there are cables pulling the bus into the plane. Yet when the bus first plunges into the plane, the cables are gone.

    In one of the scenes in the bus, a camera man is visible in the convex mirror of the rear doors stairwell.

    Just before the bus drives into the courier plane at the end, there is a cable visible on the left of the screen.

    Camera visible strapped to the side of the bus when it lands back down off two wheels, visible just after hitting the cop car in the way.

    A bus jumping a gap in an unfinished freeway would nosedive, not jump up and soar across to the other side. Director Jan de Bont has admitted getting around this by having the bus drive up a ramp.

    When the front door of the house explodes, a wire is clearly visible pulling the cop that is "blown back" by the force of the explosion.

    Jack checks his watch, but it is showing the alarm time.

    The state of repair of the bus door that Jack punches.

    When Jack and Annie leave the bus, small wheels are visible on the bottom of the trap door they are riding on.

    When Jack slams on the brakes to rip the Jaguar's door off against the bus, the Ford Taurus just behind them changes color from light blue to dark green.

    Camera visible strapped to the side of the bus as it leaves the highway.

    Reflected in the bus door as Jack runs along side it.

    When Annie is running for the bus, she passes notice boards as such, yet when it cuts to a side shot of Annie at the door to the bus, the massive notice boards have suddenly disappeared and all it is now is bushes and gardens

    At the beginning of the movie after Jack has hooked up the crane from outside to the lift, there is a shot of the crane outside, and the line going through the vent. If you look closely there is a pipe in front of the vent, yet when the crane goes through the vent, the pipe has vanished.

    After Jack shoots Harry in the leg, Payne walks out the door which is wide open. Then in the explosion shot (seconds later) happens and we see the door completely shut.

    When the bus is driving by itself, it appears to be driving through a hanger. When the bus enters the hanger, the hanger door is fully open. But when the bus exits the  

  2. I know I've seen alot... but the one I can always remember is the scene from Titanic when Jack is goin to draw Rose and she comes out with that robe on and she flashes him a dime and throws it to him. It is 1912 in the movie, but it is a today's dime!

  3. Check out this website:

    It has all of the mistakes from famous (and current) movies, as well as trivia about them.

  4. gladiator.

    the first time russel crow and his team of gladiators fight in the colosium there are a few chariots attacking them. one flips over and you can see a propane tank in the chariot.  

  5. i too, love, hope you have hours of fun there.

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